More Hummingbird Hawk-moth action at Jubilee Campus Nottingham 1 of 3
#nujcwildlife #hummingbirdhawkmoth #macroglossumstellatarum
Hummingbird Hawkmoth is a fast flying moth & hard to photograph. I saw one yesterday, but had just filled the SD card of the camera set-up for speed. I managed to get some photos, showing some detail: wings are blurred because they beat so fast. An annual immigrant to Britain
#OpenStreetMap link is that my previous photos were taken in Austria just prior to SotM-EU in 2011, and in the Luberon just after SotM-FR 2017
#OpenStreetMap #nujcwildlife #hummingbirdhawkmoth #macroglossumstellatarum
A proper Common Blue & a female Banded Demoiselle.
Seeing a lot of the former over last few days, had disappeared for a few years.