@hannu_ikonen @benda @JenWojcik Most of all they were inspired by American revolution against George III's despotism & aristocrats looting their last belongings. 1776 => 1789
While these days big parts of France are outraged & protesting in the streets by the millions against having their retirement age raised from 62 to 64, while hardly any impressive masses of American women & their brave supporters are seen in the streets of America protesting against abortion bans taking away their rights to self-determination & bodily autonomy.
#DefendDemocracy #DefendAmerica #WomensRights #HumanRights #CivilRights #AbortionRights #BanTheGOP #NullifyTheConfederacy
#defenddemocracy #DefendAmerica #womensrights #humanrights #civilrights #abortionrights #banthegop #nullifytheconfederacy