My wife decided that she wants to watch the show #Numb3rs again (she's a math educator). We own some of it digitally but we have multiple seasons on #DVD.
Switching discs is a pain while in bed so I want to rip them so they can all so they can be added to a VLC playlist on my old mini PC (which we control with a wireless mini keyboard/trackpad).
I've used #Handbrake a lot recently to convert H.265 videos to H.264 for said mini PC and with a DLL it should rip DVDs too, but I can't get it to work!
Ahhhh...the days of cool DVD cases...
Pic #1: Book of DVDs on left, outer case on right.
Pic #2: Book getting inserted into the case.
Pic #3: Final assembly; final look.
Happy Birthday Wendell Pierce (Dec 8)!!!!!
#TheOddCouple (2015 remake)
#thewire #thewebershow #numb3rs #michaeljfoxshow #raydonovan #theoddcouple #suits #chicagopd #JackRyan #sheeeeiiitttt
So I guess I didn't do my #introduction right. Here's another try with added hashtag dump.
Who I am: An introverted chick in Oregon. Small business owner, aspiring fiction writer. Always open to friends!
What I do: I own a micro-business as an online fine jeweler specializing in gemstone earrings and custom engagement rings. Ring design is my art form.
Interests, obsessions, and passions:
#zelensky #zelenskyy
#writing #novelwriter
#fragrance #perfume #IndiePerfume
#travel #roadtrip
#wildfires (No I don't like them, I like to track them so they can't get me)
TV shows:
#introduction #oregonian #asexual #she #progressive #childfree #business #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #microbusiness #jewelry #finejewelry #engagementring #earrings #etsy #StandWithUkraine #zelensky #zelenskyy #writing #novelwriter #cats #dogs #fragrance #perfume #indieperfume #photography #travel #roadtrip #camping #thunderstorms #weather #wildfires #music #fountainpens #oilpainting #homeimprovement #interiordecoration #servantofthepeople #spn #911tvshow #schittscreek #TedLasso #flashpoint #stargateatlantis #whitecollar #thewestwing #BostonLegal #firefly #thenewsroom #numb3rs
OK, more #Introduction
I shared I love TV shows. That's very broad. I do enjoy many genres, but I'll share a few of my faves! 🌟
#StarTrek #StarWars #TheGoodWife #CriminalMinds #CSI (esp NY) #BattlestarGalactica #Farscape #Numb3rs #GameOfThrones #LawAndOrderSVU #RizzoliAndIsles #Dexter #DowntonAbbey #GilmoreGirls #TheCrown #TheXFiles #Fringe #Babylon5
Hope this helps to maybe find some mutual series. Will make a list of my favorite movies soon!
Looking forward to connect with you! 😁
#introduction #startrek #StarWars #thegoodwife #criminalminds #CSI #battlestargalactica #farscape #numb3rs #GameofThrones #lawandordersvu #rizzoliandisles #dexter #downtonabbey #gilmoregirls #thecrown #thexfiles #fringe #babylon5 #CUTE will chose establishment friendly students into higher education @savukku
Not just that, it will be highly personalised, All things #Aadhaar linked #NTA conducted exams will lead to #Eugenics, Already shown in #Numb3rs.
#cute #aadhaar #nta #eugenics #numb3rs