Omoide in my head, from the final NUMBER GIRL gig at Pia Arena MM in Kanagawa Prefecture last year, in front of 10,000 people.
I so wish would have had the change to see them live, which seems unlikely now (unless they decide to get together again for a third time).
NUMBER GIRL - Omoide in my head(NUMBER GIRL 無常の日 2022.12.11@PIA ARENA MM) - YouTube
When my plane took off from Haneda after three weeks in Japan I had this song playing on my headphones. The drumbreaks in the intro were timed to the tarmac and just in time for the audiences "Hey!" the wheels left the ground. Now I have to sort all the omoide in my head...
#japan #music #live #plane #musik #numbergirl
New live album, Number Girl 無常の日, from Number Girl (2023)
Wikipedia says Number Girl was a rock band formed in Fukuoka, Japan in August 1995, and played fast, guitar-driven rock similar to the Pixies, Sonic Youth, and Hüsker Dü.
Though #NumberGirl have their own distinct sound, that may at least give you a starting point.
Whoa, a 3-disk NUMBER GIRLl live album, recorded in December 11, 2022 at Pia Arena MM in Kanagawa Prefecture, in front of 10,000 people. This was their final gig before breaking up (again). #NumberGirl
Spotify link, but will be on other streaming platforms too. Sadly not on Bandcamp. (But I believe there is a video version of the whole gig too.)
On a Japan themed trawl on YouTube last night I discovered this absolutely blistering performance by Number Girl. This was recorded at their last ever gig & was the last but one song. The passion of both the band & the crowd lift this to another level. (There's a bit of stuff to FFW before you get to the music)
If you like noisy indie guitar rock, this should float your boat - Omoide In My Head by Number Girl
This is not even their most popular album, but it is their first album, and what is perhaps the greatest J-Rock band that has ever existed had here already recorded one or two of their best-known hits. If you don't know them, you should get to know everything that #NumberGirl has done, and then hit the spinoffs #ZazenBoys, #Toddle, and #BloodthirstyButchers. It's blown-out heat on a wintry, dismal day. #JRock
#numbergirl #zazenboys #toddle #bloodthirstybutchers #jrock
『ライジングでのNUMBER GIRL』12月10日(土)18:59まで! ※24時間限定配信 #RSR22 #NUMBERGIRL @YouTubeより
『ライジングでのNUMBER GIRL』12月10日(土)18:59まで! ※24時間限定配信 #RSR22 #NUMBERGIRL @YouTubeより
『ライジングでのNUMBER GIRL』12月10日(土)18:59まで! ※24時間限定配信 #RSR22 #NUMBERGIRL
『ライジングでのNUMBER GIRL』12月9日19:00プレミア公開 ※24時間限定配信 #RSR22 #NUMBERGIRL @Youtubeより
『ライジングでのNUMBER GIRL』12月9日19:00プレミア公開 ※24時間限定配信 #RSR22 #NUMBERGIRL @Youtubeより