Students 3D Print Low Cost Braille Keypad - Numerical keypads are common entry devices for everything from home security syste... - #peripheralshacks #numberpad #keypad #numpad
#numpad #keypad #numberpad #peripheralshacks
Got caught out by the #NumberPad inversion at the supermarket self service #TouchScreen checkout till, entered 7 not 1 and had to call for assistance to change it.
I wonder if Apple will be the first computer company to flip their keyboard number-pad to match the phone/touchscreen convention? Or would they just stop making extended keyboards instead? ⌨️
Mammoth20 Keyboard from Wuque Studio & CannonKeys. A most appropriate board for Mastodon.
#keyboard #numberpad #pachyderm
#keyboard #numberpad #pachyderm
Scramblepad Teardown Reveals Complicated, Expensive Innards #ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #SecurityHacks #Scramblepad #dooraccess #numberpad #7segment #security #rfid
#ReverseEngineering #SecurityHacks #Scramblepad #dooraccess #numberpad #7segment #security #rfid
Scramblepad Teardown Reveals Complicated, Expensive Innards
#ReverseEngineering #reverseengineering #SecurityHacks #Scramblepad #dooraccess #numberpad #7segment #security #rfid
#reverseengineering #SecurityHacks #Scramblepad #dooraccess #numberpad #7segment #security #rfid