#Numberphile just did a video on my favorite math/stats paradox: https://youtu.be/cW27QJYNXtU
I think Brady managed to cut directly to the heart of the paradox with his question!
So, the Sleeping Beauty paradox, are you a:
Sometimes a Numberphile post hits hard.
Yesterday, YouTube autoplayed me the latest episode of Numberphile, about the game of SET: https://youtu.be/EkFX9jUJPKk
My best friend and I used to play this a lot. So much so, that we were way too good for the game to be fun. We'd both see sets before the dealer had finished putting down all the cards, so it became impossible to play.
After she died, I played by myself for a long time. I guess until I moved in with my then boyfriend?
Haven't played it in years, but still cannot think of the game without thinking of her. I recently came across it again in Berkeley, and bought it for a research group at ASU. I hope they enjoy it.
I love the contribution of one commenter on the video, who gave the tip of buying three copies of the game, so you can add a fifth property (a border) and make the game playable again by making it hard again. Maybe I'll buy myself one or more copies.
Also love the variations that are explained in the video ❤️
Thanks to Catherine Hsu, Brady Haran and Pete McPartlan for the lovely video and the trip down memory lane!
#combinatorics #games #mathematics #numberphile
Today's #numberphile video is excellent! I have a ton of friends who love #Set, and these variations look fantastic.
They're also a SUPER visual introduction to the geometric aspect of permutation groups, which lets you step easily to braid groups, coxeter groups, and string diagrams!
Definitely worth a watch, and I might print out some of these decks she's using! They're all available on her website
In this picture you can see the idea: You're given a river of cards in some order, and you want to pull out 3 cards so that each strand of the braid ends up back where it started.
@threedaymonk yeah i dont know any specific reason for that landmark or others: deunaw, deg a phedwar, deg a pump ar hugain, hanner cant, etc. I doubt they are completely arbitrary, but perhaps a Welsh numberphile can untangle their meaning for us. deunawfed… yeah no clue why 🙃
#cymraeg #niferoedd #numberphile #maths
The #numberphile youtube channel has *finally* cited a #mathematician that I personally know.
I feel real again.
The #Distance Between #Numbers - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #2Adic #2AdicMetric #RationalNumbers #RealNumbers #Limit #Infinity #Converge #Convergence #Diverge #Divergence #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics
#RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #divergence #diverge #convergence #converge #infinity #limit #RealNumbers #rationalnumbers #2adicmetric #2adic #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #numbers #distance
Go First Dice
#Numberphile #JamesGrime #breakthrough #dice #diceInventors #GoFirstDice
#numberphile #jamesgrime #breakthrough #dice #diceinventors #gofirstdice
Go First #Dice - #Numberphile
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Numbers #Gaming #Fairness #RecreationalMaths #RecreationalMathematics #Probability
#probability #RecreationalMathematics #recreationalmaths #fairness #gaming #numbers #mathematics #maths #math #numberphile #dice
Those who watch the #numberphile videos will know what this is and probably how it started its journey to me.
A bit of #rugby #maths for the week thats in it.
#Numberphile working out the best angles for placekicking.
#rugby #maths #numberphile #sixnations
Muy fan de Numberphile pero en especial, este vídeo me ha encantado! #maths #numberphile
📐 https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/how-could-you-tunnel-through-a-mountain-2500-years-ago
How do you dig a #tunnel through a #mountain when you don’t have access to any modern equipment? In this #Numberphile video, #mathematician Professor Hannah Fry introduces the #math that built Tunnel of Eupalinos around 2,500 years ago.
#tunnel #mountain #numberphile #mathematician #math #video #engineering #mathematics #geometry
Your Klein Bottle is in the Post
#Numberphile #CliffStoll #business #KleinBottle #robot #selfiesWithBottle
#numberphile #cliffstoll #business #kleinbottle #robot #selfieswithbottle
The Distance Between Numbers
#numberphile #tomcrawford #distance #sequence #surprise
Faktoren, Primzahlen, Quadratzahlen, 1 x 1
Coole Episode von #numberphile
The Yellowstone Permutation
#Numberphile #NeilSloane #A098550 #geyser #OEIS #permutation #prime #yellowstone
#numberphile #neilsloane #a098550 #geyser #oeis #permutation #prime #yellowstone
Card Memorisation (using numbers)
#Numberphile #ZoeGriffiths #binary #card #grouping #memorisation
#numberphile #zoegriffiths #binary #card #grouping #memorisation
#rustlang practice! wrote a small #program to approximate the solution for the Goat Problem #numberphile video
critiques welcome!
#rustlang #program #numberphile
5-Sided Square
#cliffstoll #numberphile #square
The Goat Problem
#jamesgrime #numberphile #surprisinglyhardproblem