GeekProjects News · @news
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Native Alaskan Language Reshapes Mathematics - The languages we speak influence the way that we see the world, in ways most of us... -

#math #news #inuit #visual #iñupiaq #language #characters #mathematics #numbersystem

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Holland · @fingolas
718 followers · 1040 posts · Server

Very cool, really intuitive and even helpful with complex calculcations:

"A Invented by Inuit Will Make Its Silicon Valley Debut

is called the “universal language,” but a unique dialect is being reborn

In the remote almost 30 years ago, a group of middle school students and their teacher invented the Western Hemisphere’s first new number system in more than a century. The “ numerals,” named after the Alaskan village where they were created, looked utterly different from decimal system numerals and functioned differently, too. But they were uniquely suited for quick, visual arithmetic using the traditional Inuit oral counting system, and they swiftly spread throughout the region. Now, with support from , they will soon be available on and —creating a bridge for the Kaktovik numerals to cross into the digital realm."

#numbersystem #schoolchildren #math #arctic #inuit #kaktovik #siliconvalley #smartphones #computers #unicode #android #inupiaq #mathematics #numerals #arabichindu

Last updated 2 years ago

✌️👩‍👧‍👦🪷 · @cobweb
71 followers · 291 posts · Server

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#yupiche #numbersystem #conlang

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1147 followers · 2381 posts · Server

Number System is the first step towards gaining expertise in . But, tyranny, it is still considered as one of the most complex topics by students. Watch my complete session on this topic to realise how simple and easy it is to understand. Believe me, StudyMare - Not Anymore!

#study #studymare #numbersystem #learn #school #number #math #mathematics #maths

Last updated 2 years ago