In keeping with my Buy #NumberTwo rule, I upgraded my #AmazonMusic to Unlimited instead of paying for Spotify.
After that, I recalled #NumberTwo was available in the eLibrary and I borrowed it again . It’s amazing how the Apple Books app works and how it’s integrated with the eLibrary. I couldn’t finish it in 22 days as I’m in the middle of the nanodegree sonI don’t have a lot of time but I wanted to finish it. I’m now close to the end and its good to see the evolution of the main character. I don’t know how much truth there is in the story but wearing those shoes… it has to be hard.
Feels like they're #johnlecarre and we're #ianfleming, that #Putin has been working as #Karla for two decades and we've had that succession of #NumberTwo's from #TheVillage that screw up and are never seen again. #BeSeeingYou
#beseeingyou #thevillage #numbertwo #karla #putin #ianfleming #johnlecarre
Scientists finally discover why some poop floats and other sinks | Boing Boing
#IgNobelPrize #poop #numbertwo #Science