Jeremy P. Boggess · @JeremyPBoggess
5 followers · 1141 posts · Server

We must stand up some of the time. ... apathy is the greatest obstacle. ... We must not forget that if we try nothing, nothing changes. ... not forget that our words and actions must follow each other.

#changes #overwhelmed #numbness #denial #concerns

Last updated 1 year ago

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
180 followers · 1791 posts · Server

@joshsusser I don’t know if is the same for everyone. For me, I associate it with and . Simple things become difficult. I’m in a fog. I just want to curl up in bed, in the dark, and … zone out.

And when pressed into this state, I will quite literally declare to inquisitors to stop, go away, the doctor is out. I can push to be able to get basic parenting and work tasks done but it delays recovery. @actuallyautistic

#autisticburnout #emotional #mental #numbness #actuallyautistic #autisticaf

Last updated 2 years ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server

A shot of , which are native to the region of and is used in China and elsewhere as a . Called in Sichuan, the actual dried, black is and useless. All the is in the dried of the , which has a , , flavor and induces some in the .
The many of the husks and berries are very dramatic.

#macophotography #sichuanpeppercorns #sichuan #China #seasoning #huajiao #berry #tasteless #flavor #husk #spicy #juniper #citrus #numbness #tongue #colors

Last updated 2 years ago

Genx.PoohBear 🏴‍☠️ · @hmichel
147 followers · 136 posts · Server

The layers of in my case of . So many that you forget that they are all there until you get a .
-electrical feeling thru body.
- in all .
-feeling of laying down on a full body .
- kneecap whever bend leg in sleep or not in sleep.
- pain (sciatica?) in hips.
-stabbing pain and in shoulders.
-stabbing pain in lower legs.
-deep ache in both legs
-dislocating wings.
Thats just the , everyday stuff.

#pain #eds #layers #reprieve #buzzing #ache #joints #bruise #dislocating #stabbing #numbness #normal

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
1004 followers · 2258 posts · Server

Approximately half of people with type 1 or type 2 experience —weakness, , and , primarily in the hands and feet.

#diabetes #peripheral #Neuropathy #numbness #pain #neuroscience #biology #medical #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

wetiko · @wetiko
104 followers · 54 posts · Server

"Like all types of trauma, sexual traumas are visible in their secondary symptoms, even without any recollection of any such event (as is often the case with trauma). Although these vary according to the type and severity of the trauma, there are a number of phenomena that can be seen as physical as well as psychological warning signals for the presence of sexual traumatization:

- anxieties that cannot be attributed to circumstances (e.g., not being able to turn off the light in bed at night),
- problems falling asleep, combined with symptoms such as headaches,
- trouble sleeping through the night, startling in their sleep,
- nightmares about evil monsters,
- wetting and defecating during sleep,
- hypersensitivity to ,
- around the mouth,
- inflammation of the genital and anal areas,
- infections,
- pain when emptying the bladder or bowels,
- constipation and ,
- ,
- strong bad breath,
- teeth grinding () and ear whistling (),
- sore throat,
- ,
- shallow , shortness of breath,
- back, hip and leg pain,
- severe muscle tension in the pelvic floor area,
- severe pain during sexual intercourse,
- vaginal cramps,
- during intercourse or orgasm,
- with sex,
- ,
- below the line of the navel,
- disgust for food resembling semen and mucus,
- compulsive washing,
- heavy consumption of and ,
- high consumption of sedatives, sleeping pills, laxatives,
- use of drugs such as , and ,
- chronic dejection,
- problems at school or during work,
- lapses and memory disorders,
- extreme attachment,
- extreme withdrawal,
- sudden outbursts of , hostility and aggressiveness,
- yelling and raving,
- self-injurious behavior,
- rejection of one's own body,
- rejection of one's gender role as male or female,
- fear of orgasm,
- inability to have prolonged partner relationships,
- distancing and shamelessness,
- promiscuity,
- prostitution,
- lying, cheating, concealment,
- delinquency and criminality,
- states of confusion with delusions,
- the feeling of going crazy."

-- Dr. Franz Ruppert: Love, Lust and Trauma (2019)

#Touch #eczema #bladder #diarrhea #gingivitis #bruxism #tinnitus #tonsillitis #breath #dissociation #disgust #impotence #numbness #nicotine #alcohol #cannabis #Heroin #cocaine #concentration #memory #anger #ptsd #trauma

Last updated 2 years ago

wetiko · @wetiko
104 followers · 54 posts · Server

Like all types of trauma, sexual traumas are visible in their secondary symptoms, even without any recollection of any such event (as is often the case with trauma). Although these vary according to the type and severity of the trauma, there are a number of phenomena that can be seen as physical as well as psychological warning signals for the presence of sexual traumatization:

- anxieties that cannot be attributed to circumstances (e.g., not being able to turn off the light in bed at night),
- problems falling asleep, combined with symptoms such as headaches,
- trouble sleeping through the night, startling in their sleep,
- nightmares about evil monsters,
- wetting and defecating during sleep,
- hypersensitivity to ,
- around the mouth,
- inflammation of the genital and anal areas,
- infections,
- pain when emptying the bladder or bowels,
- constipation and ,
- ,
- strong bad breath,
- teeth grinding () and ear whistling (),
- sore throat,
- ,
- shallow , shortness of breath,
- back, hip and leg pain,
- severe muscle tension in the pelvic floor area,
- severe pain during sexual intercourse,
- vaginal cramps,
- during intercourse or orgasm,
- with sex,
- ,
- below the line of the navel,
- disgust for food resembling semen and mucus,
- compulsive washing,
- heavy consumption of and ,
- high consumption of sedatives, sleeping pills, laxatives,
- use of drugs such as , and ,
- chronic dejection,
- problems at school or during work,
- lapses and memory disorders,
- extreme attachment,
- extreme withdrawal,
- sudden outbursts of , hostility and aggressiveness,
- yelling and raving,
- self-injurious behavior,
- rejection of one's own body,
- rejection of one's gender role as male or female,
- fear of orgasm,
- inability to have prolonged partner relationships,
- distancing and shamelessness,
- promiscuity,
- prostitution,
- lying, cheating, concealment,
- delinquency and criminality,
- states of confusion with delusions,
- the feeling of going crazy."

Dr. Franz Ruppert: Love, Lust and Trauma (2019)

#Touch #eczema #bladder #diarrhea #gingivitis #bruxism #tinnitus #tonsillitis #breath #dissociation #disgust #impotence #numbness #nicotine #alcohol #cannabis #Heroin #cocaine #concentration #memory #anger #ptsd #trauma

Last updated 2 years ago

GirlCroosh · @pseudonymsupreme
317 followers · 518 posts · Server

I am so frustrated by the tingly and numbness that I’ve had recently. Shooting down my arms to my fingertips. It was getting better and then I got and it’s now much worse. Anyone else with deal with this and find something that makes it go away? Usually I just wait it out.

#covid #multiplesclerosis #fums #pwms #numbness #chronicillness

Last updated 2 years ago

Saffy Sober · @saffysober
31 followers · 14 posts · Server

@Alyshelchi I'm ADHD, I have Bipolar Illness, and I'm investigating the cause of debilitating symptoms of , , and .

We found two 'masses' this week, one in my sinus and one in my . Waiting for results on the breast.

As much as I've wanted an explanation, I don't think cancer registered as a possibility. Watch me as I get ahead of myself.

My kids are NT 6 and Autistic 3.5. I've been out of work a year. I'm in for giving and receiving support.

#fatigue #numbness #doublevision #breast #biopsy

Last updated 2 years ago

Audranasa · @Audranasa
106 followers · 275 posts · Server

- The condition of being numb; that state of a living body in which it loses, wholly or in part, the power of feeling or motion.


Last updated 4 years ago