Last activities in my course of #NumericalMethods, the #MonteCarlo method applied to: (1) the 2D #IsingModel on a lattice with different boundary conditions, and (2) the #PottsModel for \( q=3 \) in a 2D lattice with periodic boundary conditions.
My #fortran codes are still the fastest!
#fortran #pottsmodel #isingmodel #montecarlo #numericalmethods
Some naïve quadrature implementations, in #ATS, for #RosettaCode --
#ats #rosettacode #atslang #functionalprogramming #numericalmethods
@somebitslinks Thank you so much for sharing the learning experience. I have three of these boards and due to the core software vacuum intend to use them as #riscv #assembly toys. The visionfive (first one) did assembly directly out of the box using #Fedora, which seemed to me to be rather snazzy. My aim is to set up a cluster running riscv assembly #numericalmethods such as discrete integration, #dynamicalsystems and so on, but pigs might fly and I might need a second lifetime for this...
#riscv #assembly #fedora #numericalmethods #dynamicalsystems
Just in case you want to try to win the lotto, I wrote a new Python script for you this evening. Check it out:
#Python #LinearCongruentialGenerator #LotteryNumbers #RandomNumbers #NumberGenerator #SecurityCodes #Programming #Coding #FunWithPython #DataScience #Mathematics #Probability #Algorithms #NumericalMethods #ComputerScience #Tech #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #AI #ML #DataAnalysis #DataVisualization #DigitalMarketing #SEO
#python #linearcongruentialgenerator #lotterynumbers #randomnumbers #numbergenerator #securitycodes #programming #coding #funwithpython #datascience #mathematics #probability #algorithms #numericalmethods #computerscience #tech #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #ai #ml #dataanalysis #datavisualization #digitalmarketing #seo
#NumericalMethods student problems:
TFW you're scrambling to get enough done before deadline and it hits you that a nontrivial swath of your troubleshooting headaches is you didn't put as many decimal places in your answer as the order of magnitude of the error bound bc the problem on error bound came *after*
ISTG I'm going to put calculating error bounds with "nice" assumptions right there in the function
Ich bin ein Fan der numerischen Methoden der Mathematik. Warum? Weil ich so schnell und effizient an das Ergebnis komme, was ich brauche ;)
Vor rund 400 Jahren hat ein kluger Mensch (Newton) ein schlichtes und doch so effizientes Verfahren zum Lösen nichtlinearer Gleichungen veröffentlicht. Das Tolle daran, es kann problemlos auf nichtlineare Gleichungssysteme erweitert werden. An die Stelle der Ableitung tritt dann die Jakobimatrix. Ist Mathe nicht schön?
#NumericalMethods #Mathe
At the moment I carry out some hobby studies about stress singularities. Therefor I use my #gnuOctave finite element code to solve a system of 1.28 million nodes on my mini PC and it works quite well 😆
#structuralengineering #ResearchAtHome #NumericalMethods
#gnuoctave #structuralengineering #researchathome #numericalmethods
Any special function specialists around here? Are there good numerical methods to evaluate bivariate (hyper2d) hypergeometric functions/Kampé de Fériet functions besides evaluating the inner hypergeometric function and summing up? #numerics #numericalmethods #specialfunctions
#specialfunctions #numericalmethods #numerics
Mastodon #introduction: TuxRiders is a journey to research experiences using free and #opensource scientific computing programs, which aimed to demonstrate their power for real-world scientific research.
In our #YouTube channel, we regularly talk about #FiniteElement, #EngineeringMath, #PDEs, #NumericalMethods, #FreeFEM, #FEniCS, #ParaView, #C++, #Python, #OpenFOAM, and #Linux.
Check out our YT channel:
#introduction #opensource #youtube #FiniteElement #engineeringmath #PDEs #numericalmethods #freefem #fenics #paraview #c #python #openfoam #linux
Why numerical methods are powerful #math #numericalmethods #appliedmathematics #engineer #physics
#math #numericalmethods #appliedmathematics #engineer #physics
Hi! I'm a physicist specialized in the modelling of #LightScattering and transport in #ComplexMedia. Very interested in #Maths and #NumericalMethods in general.
I'll share some news about my own research from time to time, but more importantly, I'm eager to learn more about research in other fields, in particular, #ClimateModelling and physically-based #Rendering.
#MultipleScattering #Optics #Photonics #Nanophotonics #MesoscopicOptics
#mesoscopicoptics #nanophotonics #photonics #optics #multiplescattering #rendering #climatemodelling #numericalmethods #maths #ComplexMedia #lightscattering #introduction
#ApproximationTheory and #NumericalMethods constitute the arts and sciences of acquiring "close enough" calculations for computationally intractable functions.
Let's unpack this
"computationally intractable" simply means it's either inefficient or impossible to obtain an exact answer to a function - either mechanically or in general.
Take root two as an example. In some sense, root two is exact. But a mechanical representation is not possible
#numericalmethods #approximationtheory
alright, so my draft is approaching 2000 words. a thread won’t do. I’m writing this as a full essay, reviewing the development of five #numericalmethods for #approximation
But my point about #Phaedrus is succinct enough. By writing down an explanation we’re both practicing explanations and giving a template to rehearse the thoughts behind them. In this non-didactic sense, writing and other information technologies enhance learning “by heart”. But these tools must be used in this manner.
#phaedrus #approximation #numericalmethods
Hello all. Going to give Mastodon a try. Here's my #introduction:
I'm a #ComputerGraphics professor at Dartmouth College. I do research primarily in physically based #rendering, particularly #MonteCarlo and volumetric/participating media rendering, and also a bit in digital #fabrication.
I also teach courses in #ComputerGraphics, #Rendering, #ComputationalPhotography, #LinearAlgebra, #NumericalMethods.
You can find my projects on my github page, including HDRView, SamplinSafari, rendering-bib.
#numericalmethods #linearalgebra #computationalphotography #fabrication #montecarlo #rendering #computergraphics #introduction
Sorry for decreasing the signal/noise ratio, but I just realized the obligatory tag cloud is obligatory.
#science #mechanics #fluidmechanics #simulation #numerical #numericalmethods #data #datavisualization #multiphase #twophase #flow #maths #mathematics #physics #engineering #CORIA #Sorbonne #turbulence #fragmentation #emulsions #levelset #VOF #volumeoffluid #largeeddysimulation #fsi #fluidstructure #droplets #bubbles #surface #surfacetension #geometry #topology
#topology #geometry #surfacetension #surface #bubbles #droplets #fluidstructure #fsi #largeeddysimulation #volumeoffluid #VOF #levelset #emulsions #fragmentation #turbulence #sorbonne #CORIA #engineering #physics #mathematics #maths #flow #twophase #multiphase #datavisualization #data #numericalmethods #numerical #simulation #FluidMechanics #mechanics #science
How does it look like when smoothed particles in a hydrodynamic simulation are doing nothing? Like this.. There is a small amount of initial energy and as you can see, no energy is lost 😆
#SmoothedParticleHydrodynamics #NumericalMethods
#smoothedparticlehydrodynamics #numericalmethods