Jeremy Gaunt · @jeremygaunt
39 followers · 83 posts · Server

Celtic at the Hougue Bie display. (Third picture is model of what hard looked like when found on the )

#coins #hoard #jersey #channelisland #archaeology #numismatic #celtic #ironage #island

Last updated 1 year ago

CoinOfNote · @CoinOfNote
61 followers · 211 posts · Server

This week has been the 54th anniversary of man walking on the moon for the first time. Many coins and , and issues have been released over the years. Here is a Fleetwood PNC issue from the US marking the 25th anniversary in 1994, featuring a 1979 S "Susan B Anthony" dollar.

Does anyone happen to know, how many of these PNCs were made?

And... why a 29c stamp? Assuming it's to do with 1994 postal rates, but it's an interesting denomination

#numismatic #medallions #medals #pnc #moon

Last updated 1 year ago

CoinOfNote · @CoinOfNote
51 followers · 189 posts · Server

Since also falls on , here is a piece for both - I have no idea where this Game Center is, but they have a gorgeous kitty on their tokens.

(For those browsing the hashtag wondering what is ? It's a hashtag to show off any , , or other items you'd like to share)

#saturdaynightcoinshow #caturday #coins #tokens #medallions #numismatic

Last updated 1 year ago

Spain, 2nd Republic - 1937 1 peseta, known affectionately as La Rubia - the blonde - issued during the bloody Civil War between a democratically elected left wing government and a fascist insurrection supported by Hitler and Mussolini. Aluminium bronze, featuring a female head obverse, and bunch of grapes reverse. High mintage at 50,000,000, but scarce in nice condition with a crisp strike.

#coin #spanishcivilwar #numismatic #numismatics #coinsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Greenseer :autism: 💚 · @Greenseer
1091 followers · 2099 posts · Server

show and tell time. A curious character of the British Isles, Martin Coles Harman, more than just an ambitious financier, a charismatic eccentric and fraudster, in the 1920's he bought the island of Lundy (now known to many for its Attenborough episodes and puffin colonies) and declared himself King, issuing his own stamps & coinage, till stopped by mainland authorities. Here's one of those coins, a Puffin, equivalent to a penny

#numismatism #numismatic

Last updated 1 year ago

No soy historiador · @NHistoriador
46 followers · 52 posts · Server

Tetradracma de plata del siglo V a.e.c. En una de las caras aparece la imagen de Atenea y en el anverso el mochuelo de Atenas. Esta moneda fue utilizada, a parte de en Grecia, en el Egipto controlado por e Imperio Romano.

#numismatica #numismatic #historia #history #egipto #egypt #grecia #greece #moneda

Last updated 2 years ago

Greenseer :autism: 💚 · @Greenseer
986 followers · 737 posts · Server

In light of King Charles today giving support for an independent study into the involvement(!!) of the British in the , some relevant show & tell

Based on an original design for Wedgwood (a prominent abolitionist) from 1787, this token was made for the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1794. It became an image widely repeated elsewhere. Despite the Abolition Act in 1807, the slave trade was not officially abolished in Britain until 1834

#numismatic #slaveTrade #monarchy

Last updated 2 years ago

Rafagas Links · @rafagaslinks
116 followers · 257 posts · Server

"Moneda Ibérica" is a knowledge base for the study, conservation, cataloguing, archiving and dissemination of the ancient numismatic heritage of the Iberian Peninsula and the south of France via @bolosig


Last updated 2 years ago

Greenseer :autism: · @Greenseer
930 followers · 636 posts · Server

On this Ides of March, time for some show n tell. A silver denarius struck under Julius Caesar a couple of years before the fateful day. The coin shows Venus on the obverse and Aeneas, her son, and legendary forefather of all Romans, to whom Caesar traced his own divine ancestry, on the reverse

#rome #archeology #romancoinage #numismatic

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas Ott · @thomasottio
122 followers · 53 posts · Server

I'm a fan and I really love old-world and pieces. The Spanish Reales is a classic and I wrote about it on my blog.

"In the case of the Spanish Dollar, it would be the silver value. In September 2020, silver is worth about $27 per ounce, which would value a Spanish Dollar (0.968 oz) at $24.33."

#numismatic #gold #silver #writefreely #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

CoinOfNote · @CoinOfNote
28 followers · 62 posts · Server

For and @art_history_animalia here is a featured on the 1968 - 1983 1 Ngwee coin from . I don't have one handy, but here is an image from the Numista website

#nationalaardvarkweek #numismatic #aardvark #zambia

Last updated 2 years ago

ManyRoads :coffeecup: · @ManyRoads
240 followers · 2486 posts · Server

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago

💸Acquistabili durante il 📜Memorial Correale ⏳ sabato 11 e domenica 12 marzo 2023 ⌛presso 🎪 l'Hotel Queen Daisy 🧰 che si trova in via Schito n°185 a Castellammare di Stabia 🏖 Napoli💙
📬 Per informazioni: Associazione Circolo “Tempo Libero” 🎡 Dal 1994 punto d'incontro di studiosi e collezionisti del Sud d'Italia

#italy #eventi #philately #numismatic #collezionismo #memorialcorreale #collezionismocartaceo #medaglie #medaglistica

Last updated 2 years ago