Matheus Nunes ● Welcome to Manchester City 🔵🇵🇹 #2026FIFAWorldCup #2026WorldCup #2030FIFAWorldCup #2030WorldCup #FIFA2026 #FIFA2030 #FIFAWorldCup #FifaWorldCup2026 #FIFAWorldCup2030 #ManchesterCity #MatheusNunes #MatheusNunes2022/2023 #MatheusNunes2022/23 #MatheusNunes2023 #MatheusNunesManchesterCity #MatheusNunez #NUNES #Nunes2022/2023 #Nunes2022/23 #Nunes2023 #NunesManchesterCity #PORTUGAL #svmm #WorldCup #WorldCup2026 #WorldCup2030
#2026fifaworldcup #2026worldcup #2030fifaworldcup #2030worldcup #fifa2026 #fifa2030 #fifaworldcup #fifaworldcup2026 #fifaworldcup2030 #manchestercity #matheusnunes #matheusnunes2022 #matheusnunes2023 #matheusnunesmanchestercity #matheusnunez #nunes #nunes2022 #nunes2023 #nunesmanchestercity #portugal #svmm #worldcup #worldcup2026 #worldcup2030
Guide nell’ecosistema
di M. Minetti
A cosa servono i leader.
C'è un'opinione molto diffusa, soprattutto nelle forme della sinistra libertaria che negli ultimi cinquanta anni ha praticato, forme di lotta dal basso, orizzontali, scaturite dalla organizzazione assem
#Politica #Rizoma #Tecnopolitica #attivismo #conflitto #democrazia #egemonia #gerarchia #gerbaudo #leadership #nunes #organizzazione
#politica #rizoma #tecnopolitica #attivismo #conflitto #democrazia #egemonia #gerarchia #gerbaudo #leadership #nunes #organizzazione
Right now, Mendes and Lima perform #Senna #Deslandes #Nunes #Nassaro #Gonçalves and #Krieger in Rio de Janeiro #wch
#senna #deslandes #nunes #nassaro #goncalves #krieger #wch
In 20 minutes, Mendes and Lima perform #Senna #Deslandes #Nunes #Nassaro #Gonçalves and #Krieger in Rio de Janeiro #wch
#senna #deslandes #nunes #nassaro #goncalves #krieger #wch
Today, Mendes and Lima perform #Senna #Deslandes #Nunes #Nassaro #Gonçalves and #Krieger in Rio de Janeiro #wch
#senna #deslandes #nunes #nassaro #goncalves #krieger #wch
I don't know which I find more #funny.
Hearing that #TruthSocial has only "about $989" of #cash on hand... 😲
Or that good ol' #DevinNunes is suing the #whistleblower because he made #Nunes “appear odious, ridiculous and contemptible.”
Really? 🤣 I'm pretty sure it wasn't the whistleblower that made him appear that way! 😂
He blew the whistle on #Trump’s Truth Social. Now he works at #Starbucks.
#iamdb #starbucks #Trump #nunes #whistleblower #devinnunes #cash #TruthSocial #Funny
Guide nell’ecosistema
C'è un'opinione molto diffusa, soprattutto nelle forme della sinistra libertaria che negli ultimi cinquanta anni ha praticato forme di lotta dal basso, orizzontali, scaturite dalla organizzazione assembleare: ovvero che i l
#Politica #Rizoma #Strumenti #Tecnopolitica #democrazia #gerarchia #gerbaudo #leadership #michels #movimenti #nunes #organizzazione #potere #trasformazione
#politica #rizoma #strumenti #tecnopolitica #democrazia #gerarchia #gerbaudo #leadership #Michels #movimenti #nunes #organizzazione #potere #trasformazione
@drewharwell "This month, the company’s chief executive, the former Republican congressman Devin Nunes, sued Wilkerson for defamation in a Florida circuit court, claiming he had been subjected to “anxiety,” “insecurity,” “mental anguish” and “emotional distress” as a result of Wilkerson’s comments."
I'm sure this will go as well as all of #Nunes' *other* lolsuits.
I wonder who is paying for the many, many, failed suits he has filed. If he just wants to waste money as a hobby, there must be easier ways.
The judge in Devin Nunes' defamation lawsuit found it “substantially, objectively true” that the [Nunes] family’s farm in Iowa “knowingly” employed undocumented immigrants.
#nunes #defamation #undocumented #immigrants
Devin #nunes Cow beats Nunes and his always failing Charlottesville attorney Stephen Biss who has lost more #slaap lawsuits in the last two years than DJT or so it seems.
They sued #twitter ,Esquire , WaPO , CNN , Rachel Maddow , a Twitter #parody account of a cow and another of his mom . He claimed libel and went to Virginia to find a once disbarred lawyer ( Va .has weak SLAAP laws)
#nunes #slaap #twitter #parody
I usually don't post Britefart, but it's funny when the likes of #TruthSocial and $DWAC blame everyone but themselves.
Devin #Nunes: Truth Social Getting ‘Pennies on the Dollar’ in Revenue Due to Ad Boycotts.
#DonaldTrump #Trump
#Trump #DonaldTrump #nunes #TruthSocial
5/ Back to transcripts:
👀 #Hutchinson recounts a bizarre episode in which House Intel Com GOP, including #Nunes & staffers, carted over classified docs to WH for Meadows & #Cipollone to review.
CHENEY remarks this is pretty unusual for House GOP to truck classified docs to WH when they have their own SCIF.
Trump Labor Sec Eugene Scalia & Transport Sec. Elaine Chao said they don't recall discussions of invoking 25th Amendmt.
But Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin recalls such a conversation
Right now, the Ipsis Duo plays a #Quinteiro and a #Figueiredo world premieres #Nunes and more in #Lisbon #wch
#quinteiro #figueiredo #nunes #lisbon #wch
In 20 minutes, the Ipsis Duo plays a #Quinteiro and a #Figueiredo world premieres #Nunes and more in #Lisbon #wch
#quinteiro #figueiredo #nunes #lisbon #wch
Today, the Ipsis Duo plays a #Quinteiro and a #Figueiredo world premieres #Nunes and more in #Lisbon #wch
#quinteiro #figueiredo #nunes #lisbon #wch
Cavalcare il nemico
Processi di identificazione e propaganda politica. di M. Minetti
L'articolo è stato pubblicato in versione ridotta sulla rivista NOT (Nero On Theory) il 14-09-2022
Il nemico marcia in testa a te
ma anche alle tue spalle.
Il nemico marcia con i piedi
nelle tue stesse sca
#Rassegna #bigdata #elezioni #identificazione #laclau #nunes #politica #psicologia #schmitt
#schmitt #psicologia #politica #nunes #laclau #identificazione #elezioni #bigdata #rassegna
Cavalcare il nemico
Processi di identificazione e propaganda politica. di M. Minetti
L'articolo è stato pubblicato in versione ridotta sulla rivista NOT (Nero On Theory) il 14-09-2022
Il nemico marcia in testa a te
ma anche alle tue spalle.
Il nemico marcia con i piedi
nelle tue stesse sca
#Rassegna #bigdata #elezioni #identificazione #laclau #nunes #politica #psicologia #schmitt
#schmitt #psicologia #politica #nunes #laclau #identificazione #elezioni #bigdata #rassegna