RT @wideawake_media
Former senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner, Dr. David Gortler:

"I don’t understand how in good conscience we can still be giving these vaccines at this point."

#diedsuddenly #vaccinegenocide #vaccinedeath #vaccinedeaths #crimesagainsthumanity #nuremberg2

Last updated 2 years ago

nofrills · @nofrills
391 followers · 11464 posts · Server ohai.social

RT @RonanLTynan@twitter.com

After release of the latest UN report on Russia’s horrific crimes against civilians in surely one would expect the et al would now establish to try and his collaborators for aggression as called for by @GordonBrown@twitter.com or normalising this horror?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/RonanLTynan/status

#ukraine #eu #us #nuremberg2 #putin

Last updated 2 years ago