That Awkward Moment When... You Realize the Nerdy Computer Guy is Actually Trying to Kill You to Kill You
#antivax #billgates#depopulation #governmentflu #killbill #massgenocide #nerdycomputerguy #nurembergcode #nwo #populationcontrol
#antivax #billgates #governmentflu #killbill #massgenocide #nerdycomputerguy #nurembergcode #nwo #PopulationControl
The mandate requires all employees in nursing homes, hospitals, doctors' offices and outpatient clinics to prove they are vaccinated against COVID-19. An emergency motion had attempted to delay its enforcement.
The last time the Germans experimented on people, it did not end well for millions.
#medicalexperiments #NurembergCode
#medicalexperiments #nurembergcode
Zev Zelenko Dropping Covid TRUTH Bombs @ Clay Clark's ReAwaken America Tour #MedicalTyranny #NurembergCode
#nurembergcode #medicaltyranny
Report: #CIA #Tortured 311 #Danish #Orphans For Two Decades, #Violating The #NurembergCode.
#nurembergcode #violating #orphans #danish #tortured #cia
Hawaii Slated to Roll Out unconstitutional Vaccine Passport Program #NurembergCode via @BreitbartNews