Welcome mastodon community! 🙌🏽 I am a postdoc researcher working between #UniversitatDeGirona , #UniversitatDeBarcelona at FEHMlab with #NúriaBonada and #MiguelCañedoArgüelles and at #UniversidadDeLaRepública with @matiasarim and #AnaBorthagaray !!
With all them we try to disentangle drivers of #Freshwater diversity specially focusing on #Connectivity and #Landscape structure. Working also with #TemporaryStreams and #Macroinvertebrates 😊
#universitatdegirona #universitatdebarcelona #nuriabonada #miguelcanedoarguelles #universidaddelarepublica #anaborthagaray #Freshwater #connectivity #landscape #temporarystreams #macroinvertebrates
In #DryingRiverNetworks, loss of hydrological connectivity decreases community recovery regardless of patch location, dispersal mode or drying spatial extent.
Congrats #ClaireJacquet, #Franck Jabot, #FrançoisMunoz, #NuriaBonada, #JaniHeino for such a fascinating modelling effort! This is the first (& not last) metacommunity models from the DRYvER H2020 project (www.dryver.eu)
#dryingrivernetworks #clairejacquet #franck #francoismunoz #nuriabonada #janiheino