You know how on the one hand we keep going on about how teachers and healthcare providers are "the soul" of nations and the bedrock of society, while at the same time paying them shitty wages and demanding they fill in chasm-sized gaps in the system? And when they dare demand any improvement in their working conditions, we sneer at how replaceable they are?
-The Controlled Demolition of Public Healthcare-
This article expands on my thread "#Ontario's Manufactured #Healthcare Crisis" with more sources, data, and analysis.
#rssfeed available here:
#privatisationbystealth #PrivatizedHealthcare #tories #dougford #SocialMurder #covid #rsv #tripledemic #nurseshortage #doctorshortage #Drugshortages #bill124 #classwarfare
#ontario #healthcare #rssfeed #privatisationbystealth #privatizedhealthcare #tories #dougford #socialmurder #covid #rsv #tripledemic #nurseshortage #doctorshortage #drugshortages #bill124 #classwarfare
-The Controlled Demolition of Public Healthcare-
This article expands on my thread "#Ontario's Manufactured #Healthcare Crisis" with more sources, data, and analysis.
#rssfeed available here:
#privatisationbystealth #PrivatizedHealthcare #tories #dougford #SocialMurder #covid #rsv #tripledemic #nurseshortage #doctorshortage #Drugshortages #bill124 #classwarfare
#ontario #healthcare #rssfeed #privatisationbystealth #privatizedhealthcare #tories #dougford #socialmurder #covid #rsv #tripledemic #nurseshortage #doctorshortage #drugshortages #bill124 #classwarfare
#HealthNews #Staffing #NurseShortage #DoctorShortage — #RSV, #COVID and #flu from the community and nursing homes are flooding short-staffed hospitals at a time when there are fewer doctors and nurses at all facilities. Experts say it will get worse this winter. Read:
Something this article fails to mention: the significant loss of public health infrastructure and the significant shortage in primary care, both of which affect this too.
#flu #covid #RSV #doctorshortage #nurseshortage #staffing #healthnews