"A nurse whose first job was at a Fort Worth hospital owned by HCA Healthcare, one of the biggest for-profit health care systems in the US, told me a supervisor suggested she learn procedures on YouTube." #Nurse #Nursing #NursesOfMastodon
#nurse #nursing #nursesofmastodon
So this is one of the reasons I'm a burnt out nurse. We don't want labels and endless hollow gratitude, just to be respected for the professionalism.
After 5 years of study to become an ICU nurse and ten years working on the frontline there comes a point where the combination of repressed trauma, platitudes and anti-science nuts causes you to break.
It's been over 12 months since my PTSD diagnosis, things are improving but I can't step foot in a ward. I'm done and never going back. I just can't.
Change the narrative. Nursing is not a "calling" with religious overtones, it's a profession.
#nursing #trauma #ptsd #ICU #nursesofmastodon #mentalhealth #psychological
#nursing #trauma #ptsd #icu #nursesofmastodon #mentalhealth #psychological
In most of my current projects I am working with nurses on health equity issues. Can we start a roll call of #nursesofmastodon ?