Pledge number 4 from the CONservatives is to make NHS waiting lists fall and provide the care that people need.

Their "promise" in December 22 didn't even last 6 MONTHS before they reneged on it.

OK -sure, so I wonder how THAT is going to happen if the CONservatives are cutting £250 MILLION from funding and recruitment. caused the

So many

#Brexitbenefits #RawSewage #RailStrikes #nursesstrikes #ToryFascistDictatorship #socialcare

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Stickland · @sticklandtim
66 followers · 1086 posts · Server

Fully support the nurses in their strike for a pay deal that reflects the amazing work they do day in and day out.

BBC News - Nurses' strike: 28-hour strike over pay under way

#rcn #nursesstrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

SarahHughes · @SarahHughes
72 followers · 52 posts · Server

Where is our PM, he seems to have gone very quiet or AWOL, he’s certainly not talking to us. So sadly I’m now ready for round three of the nurse’s strike tomorrow. If you’re free come and show your support. Beep your horn or stand with us. Hot drinks and food always welcome!

#rcn #nursesstrikes #strikemapuk

Last updated 2 years ago

380 followers · 3973 posts · Server

What do nurses want? Safe staffing levels. When do they want them? Now!!

#nurses #nursesstrikes #healthcareburnout

Last updated 2 years ago

12 years of and have destroyed our .
12 years ago the NHS was classed as the best system in . The party have phucking destroyed it.
Couldn't staff Nightingale hospitals during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic these last years, CAN'T staff them now.

#ambulancestrikes #nursesstrikes #tory #europe #healthcare #nhs #ToryCorruption #torylies

Last updated 2 years ago

Missy B. · @NCCThemis1312
41 followers · 86 posts · Server

So more in January. Good. Well it’s not good , but historically this is what makes a difference. I hate the fact that people are having to strike because Tories have underfunded the NHS for over ten years. Staff morale is at an all time low. near misses happen daily. People died because there are not enough staff, we are short on staff and money there are not enough training places available. pay 40k to train - Money is going to the wrong places not to the NHS.

#nursesstrikes #nurses

Last updated 2 years ago

JuneSim63 · @junesim63
432 followers · 1521 posts · Server

"Many of those taking action today are fighting not only for increased wages, but to save their industries, just as the miners did in 1984 and 1985. The constant cuts to our NHS and the privatisation by stealth of our health services represents a threat to its existence and to the nation’s health"

with all UK key workers on strike today.

#nhs #royalmail #postalstrikes #nursesstrikes #RailStrikes #keyworkers #strikes #ukpolitics #ukstrikes #Solidarity

Last updated 2 years ago

JuneSim63 · @junesim63
474 followers · 1697 posts · Server

"Many of those taking action today are fighting not only for increased wages, but to save their industries, just as the miners did in 1984 and 1985. The constant cuts to our NHS and the privatisation by stealth of our health services represents a threat to its existence and to the nation’s health"

with all UK key workers on strike today.

#nhs #royalmail #postalstrikes #nursesstrikes #RailStrikes #keyworkers #strikes #ukpolitics #ukstrikes #Solidarity

Last updated 2 years ago

Steve Barclay waxing lyrical and our and the affecting patient safety.

is already compromised, over worked, underpaid, under valued and burned out, exhausted, using staff being dumped on from his taxpayer subsidised second home, subsidised () meals, subsidised travel expenses. 🤷‍♀️
Pay you and what they’re worth, I know which one I'd pay for working.

#westminster #wastemonster #foodbank #patientsafety #nursesstrikes #nurses #gaslighting

Last updated 2 years ago

Although the aren't happening around me, I'm very aware of the gaslighting from the party line of "patient safety".
Anyone able to join two dots together will already know that is already compromised due to understaffing, over worked and burned out staff.

Support OUR nurses, and staff as part of OUR .

#nhs #ambulance #patientsafety #tory #nursesstrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Gemma Abbott · @gem_abbott
6058 followers · 684 posts · Server

Can anyone discern a strategy from Barclay/ Govt on the nurses’ strikes?

The country LOVES nurses. Check out this BBC headline (and contrast with its rail strike coverage, where they tried to dredge up tragic stories of personal inconvenience, not all true)

So what’s the plan?

#strikes #nursesstrikes #ukpolitics

Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 · @AutisticMumTo3
28 followers · 291 posts · Server

Government accused of using ‘scare tactics’ to frighten public about nurse strike | The Independent

Doubt over government claims about cost of wage demands

#strikes #nursesstrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Despite their best efforts - it would appear that aren't alienating the public, but that in fact, the general public do support our staff

#nhs #nursesstrikes

Last updated 2 years ago

Sue · @SueASmith
686 followers · 3004 posts · Server

Yes I remember those days too. Each year for decades we tried to “clear” beds for the inevitable winter pressure for beds. We also tried to help patients spend some time at home on Christmas Day with family even if only for a few hours as that seemed the right thing to do.

This Government does not appreciate all the hard work of NHS workers over the years and throughout the year. The NHS is “sitting” every day throughout the year unlike this Government .


Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 · @AutisticMumTo3
19 followers · 53 posts · Server

As heroic nurses go out on strike, one hospital trust promises scabs a 50% pay enhancement - Canary

The nurses aren't just fighting for pay and conditions. They're fighting for a functioning healthcare service for us all

#nurses #nursesstrikes #nursespsy #scabs #scabsrewarded

Last updated 2 years ago

AutisticMumTo3 · @AutisticMumTo3
19 followers · 52 posts · Server

Government cannot ‘sit back’ on strikes amid warning pay rows will worsen | The Independent

‘The government cannot just sit back and let future strikes happen when patient care is on the line,’ says Matthew Taylor

#strikes #nurses #nursesstrikes #nursespay

Last updated 2 years ago

"We massively value what medical professionals do... we recognise what they do... but we have to ensure we're good custodians of the public purse" James Cleverly - on

Well can I introduce you to
, from ? Tell us again about the

#nursesstrikes #nhs #publicpurse #michellemone #ppescandale #sercotrackandtrace #bbclaurak

Last updated 2 years ago