any #nushell users here? please chime in so we can help document some gotchas and sadness when using `nushell` as login shell.
im starting to use #nushell as my personal shell now. well i didnt use chsh because there is still that bug 🥹
Theoretically, #NuShell could implement a caching mechanism for slow pipelines, right? It knows whether files/commands used in the pipeline changed and could thus pull up parts from a cache. 🤔
Probably much harder to implement, just thinking out loud. 😅
It feels like #NuShell could be of great use for #plainTextAccounting. PTA tools can output structured data like CSV or JSON, providing an ideal input for Nushell. Might be even simpler than spinning up #Python to do some custom calculations or logic that aren't available natively in the PTA tools.
#nushell #plaintextaccounting #python #hledger #ledger #beancount
That part of #nushell is a tad annoying. So either I change all my code snippets in #ShellFishApp or don’t make #nushell my default shell
Turns out installing #nushell on :rpi: 3 via Rust is a bit time consuming.
Somehow compilation times are faster on my 20 Cores Mac Studio. Who would have thought ? I’ll check back on my tmux session tomorrow.
@nobodyinperson This is the issue that I created about 10 months ago:
Cycling with Tab was working until a breaking change broke it and no one is interested in fixing it. The funny thing is that Shift+Tab works, but not Tab.
This is why I switched back to Fish.
I would love to try #NuShell again if it gets proper completions like Fish.
@jntrnr not pointing fingers or anything, but maybe you could boost Nu completions ❤️
Something I'm noticing in comments to my recent blog post on #nushell is that a lot of folks have a strict separation between interactive shell and scripting.
When I point out in the post that Nushell is really meant to scale smoothly between the two, some folks say things like "so you're saying it's really a scripting language not a shell"
I want to help folks see they don't have to choose. They can scale ideas all the way up in one language without rewriting.
I finally get #Nushell. I don't need a new shell, but what I really want is jq that has a proper scripting language, or a Ruby/Python for scripting which doesn't require a whole runtime+modules deployed.
Pipeing AWS commands + rich collection types + native json support = love it.
#Linux #shell #devops
#nushell #linux #shell #devops
The case for Nushell,
Relevant article about shells, and how Nushell pushes the boundaries further. I highly recommend reading it.
Experimenting with #nushell as a substitute for my existing trove of bash, awk, jq, yq, and mlr manipulations. Quite powerful but it's going to take a long time to change my finger memory.
@jntrnr #Nushell looks very interesting, thanks for the writeup!
I see that plugins can be made in any language that speaks JSON/MSGPACK¹, that's awesome.
The 'Coming from Bash' page² is also helpful.
Do you use #nushell as your actual shell? Or only for specific tasks?
Wrote up my thoughts on why #nushell matters. And yes, they get a bit spicy 😅
Hey all, the #nushell team put together a survey to help gather feedback from folks.
Whether or not you're currently using Nushell, we'd like to hear from you.
The survey should take around 5 minutes to complete. Thanks!
`eval` for #Nushell. The key part of the script is as follows.
['alias print = print -e' $nuscript] | str join "\n" | save -f $scriptfile
let ret = (nu --config $nu.config-path --env-config $nu.env-path
-c $'let ret = source ($scriptfile); $ret | to nuon'
| from nuon)
In short, I bypassed parser keyword check by invoking a subprocess. A bit slower, but works.
This allows piping snippets from your favorite editor, enhancing it with Nushell.
Today marks 4 years of #nushell being public. Happy birthday! 🎉