synlogic · @synlogic
94 followers · 1563 posts · Server

my windshield wipers are leaving weirdly colored streaks on my windshield, unsure if due to toxigenic chemicals (like NutraSweet-laced Diet Coke -- THANKS FDA, SO MUCH, LIKE, GREAT JOB, TOTALLY, AND NOW I'M PROBABLY A DEAD MAN WALKING), or, merely having an acid trip (?)

#rejectedmeaningsforrainbowicon #hashtaggames #fda #nutrasweet #aspartame #toxigenic #rainbows

Last updated 1 year ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server

@doctorobvious @GottaLaff

Based on how / came onto the market after creating a completely fake "study" to scare people away from other sugar substitutes and to get it fast-tracked for approval... I expect NutraSweet (who had to change its name to because consumers had so many problems with it early on) might be up to their old marketing tricks again.

has replaced as the market leader. They need to reclaim their customers.

I could be wrong, admittedly, but past experiences tell me not to trust this. I have a feeling this is some dirty tricks by the Aspertame company-- AGAIN.

#nutrasweet #aspertame #fda #erythritol

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server

@RiaResists @Atticus1956 @GottaLaff
/ is infamous for causing headaches and migraines (and far worse), but it is not the same product as / / . Be careful to not assume one sugar substitute is the same as every other, in every way.

#nutrasweet #aspertame #erythritol #stevia #truvia

Last updated 2 years ago