#Nuuchahnulth #FirstNation #NativePeoples made broom #tools for collecting #dentalia shells. The #shells were a form of #currency (Pojar and Mackinnon, 2004). Branches used to spread/cook salmon & hanging salmon for drying/smoking (Daris and Gonzalves, 2009). #Seeds were used in teas to treat diarrhea (Meuninck, 2016, 147). Nancy Turner noted #hardhack bark was used to make #Womens #medicine, as a source of #aspirin (Hebda and Turner, 2017).
#nuuchahnulth #firstnation #nativepeoples #tools #dentalia #shells #currency #seeds #hardhack #womens #medicine #aspirin #vanisle #nativeplants #pnw #learnaboutnativeplants
Heightened food costs hammer Nuu-chah-nulth-aht
#FirstNations #IndigenousPeoples #Nuuchahnulth #PortAlberni #Nanaimo #Clayoquot #Barkley #Nootka #BC #BritishColumbia #Canada #Food #FoodCosts #Year2023 #Inflation #FoodInflation
#firstnations #indigenouspeoples #nuuchahnulth #portalberni #nanaimo #clayoquot #barkley #nootka #bc #britishcolumbia #canada #food #foodcosts #year2023 #inflation #foodinflation
#ThickTrunkTuesdays toot.
Some #powerful #BigTree #giants - #MearesIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada off waters near #Tofino . Canada's 1st #Indigenous #TribalPark & #Native #Environmental #guardians & #stewardship by #Tlaoquiaht #FirstNation .
#NuuChahNulth #AncientForests #ElderTrees #Sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #ProtectTheAncients #MotherEarth #LivingCathedrals #Incredible #Irreplaceable #Nature #ProtectNature #biodiversity #OneEarth #StopClearcutting #StopEcocide
#thicktrunktuesdays #powerful #BigTree #giants #mearesisland #britishcolumbia #canada #tofino #indigenous #tribalpark #native #environmental #guardians #stewardship #tlaoquiaht #firstnation #nuuchahnulth #ancientforests #eldertrees #sacred #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #oldgrowth #protecttheancients #motherearth #livingcathedrals #incredible #irreplaceable #nature #protectnature #biodiversity #OneEarth #stopclearcutting #stopecocide