@marcjenkins The speed of #NotationalVelocity and #NVAlt! It was breathtaking at the time. Nice, simple, minimal interface, to boot.
@ivan3bx @AriT93 @davew that's cool Ivan, thanks for following! Are you familiar with #NVAlt and now #NVUltra? It's not quite the way I like to work but my understanding is that it's been in continuous development all this time?
I'm a fan of the dev @ttscoff , especially his #Mac Service Tools for working with #markdown. 🔌
#markdown #mac #nvultra #nvalt
@roguefoam @nhan #OpenSource strategies paid off well for certain tools! I remember my #NVAlt days, when a #branch of #NotationalVelocity became more interesting than the parent.
I'm more concerned about tools that are fully funded by #VentureCapital. What happens when investors tire of waiting for profits? I know a lot of tools many people take for granted -- #Asana comes to mind -- that are in peril because they still haven't learned to turn a profit (and haven't had to).
#opensource #nvalt #branch #notationalvelocity #venturecapital #Asana