Just Posted: The article discusses the utilization of hardware beyond Intel's NUC for edge deployments, exploring platforms from Lenovo, Nvidia, and others, emphasizing the benefits of ARM-based solutions for edge AI applications. It also highlights the trend of deploying applications at the edge driven by advancements in hardware and software capabilities. #EdgeHardware #IntelNUC #ARM #NvidiaJetson #EdgeAI #
#EdgeComputing #EdgeHardware #IntelNUC #UtilizingEdge
#edgehardware #intelnuc #arm #nvidiajetson #edgeai #edgecomputing #utilizingedge
#SymLink: The article explores the diverse range of edge hardware options beyond the Intel NUC, including platforms from Lenovo and Nvidia, with a focus on ARM-based solutions and the importance of security in edge deployments, driven by changing consumer and business expectations. #EdgeHardware #IntelNUC #ARM #NvidiaJetson #EdgeComputing #EdgeDeployments #Sunlight #UtilizingTech @GestaltIT @sfoskett
#EdgeComputing #EdgeHardware #IntelNUC #UtilizingEdge
#SymLink #edgehardware #intelnuc #arm #nvidiajetson #edgecomputing #edgedeployments #sunlight #utilizingtech #utilizingedge
RT from Seeed Studio (@seeedstudio)
How to Run a ChatGPT-Like LLM on @NVIDIAEmbedded Jetson board? @ShakhizatN using Seeed #ReSpeaker USB Mic array, an SBC #NVIDIAJetson, and a Bluetooth speaker simply did it. By running a language model on the Nvidia Jetson board, we can benefit from reduced network latency,… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1673160184364138497
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/seeedstudio/status/1673160184364138497
NVIDIA Jetson Powers Real-Time Iron Man HUD https://hackaday.com/2023/05/04/nvidia-jetson-powers-real-time-iron-man-hud/ #augmentedreality #WearableHacks #ironmanhelmet #NvidiaJetson #VideoHacks #heads-up #ironman
#augmentedreality #wearablehacks #ironmanhelmet #nvidiajetson #VideoHacks #heads #ironman
NVIDIA Jetson Powers Real-Time Iron Man HUD - If you could recreate any of the capabilities of Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit in rea... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/04/nvidia-jetson-powers-real-time-iron-man-hud/ #augmentedreality #wearablehacks #ironmanhelmet #nvidiajetson #videohacks #heads-up #ironman
#ironman #heads #videohacks #nvidiajetson #ironmanhelmet #wearablehacks #augmentedreality
Electric Skateboard Becomes Mobile Skate Park https://hackaday.com/2023/03/30/electric-skateboard-becomes-mobile-skate-park/ #TransportationHacks #electricskateboard #NvidiaJetson #skateboard #skatepark #mobile #ramp
#TransportationHacks #electricskateboard #nvidiajetson #skateboard #skatepark #mobile #ramp
Electric Skateboard Becomes Mobile Skate Park - While building a skate park might not appear to have much in common with software ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/30/electric-skateboard-becomes-mobile-skate-park/ #transportationhacks #electricskateboard #nvidiajetson #skateboard #skatepark #mobile #ramp
#ramp #mobile #skatepark #skateboard #nvidiajetson #electricskateboard #transportationhacks
Installed a Jetpack 4.6.3 onto my Jetson Nano.
I don't code or work with AI - just wanted to play around with someone close to #raspberrypi but different.
Frankly speaking I don't recommend it - really weak support community, rare updates and too much hassleif you ask me.
#nvidiajetson #jetsonnano #nvidiajetsonnano #smartgames #linuxfan #linux ##ifixittools #ubuntu #shotonfairphone #shotonfairphone4 #iFixit #iFixittools #repair #tech #diy #tinkering #gadgets #technology
#raspberrypi #nvidiajetson #JetsonNano #nvidiajetsonnano #smartgames #linuxfan #linux #ifixittools #ubuntu #shotonfairphone #ShotOnFairphone4 #ifixit #repair #tech #DIY #tinkering #gadgets #Technology
#Hardware : Crowdfunding for #TuringPi 2, a #cluster board to plug until 4 #RaspberryPi, #NvidiaJetson and #TuringRK1 on it 🤓
› https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/turingpi/turing-pi-cluster-board/
#hardware #turingpi #cluster #raspberrypi #nvidiajetson #TuringRK1
Tracking Unexplained Aerial Phenomena with #NvidiaJetson...