#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents #NWA75, Night 1—
a. FREE pre-show with Bonus Matches: https://www.youtube.com/live/VKGx6QFnUgE?si=iaTyLVgIQT_lOtY0
b. PPV Event on #FITETV (available in discounted 2-night bundle, not included in FITE+ subscription): https://www.fite.tv/watch/nwa-75-night-1/2pdfi/
#AEWUnrestricted Podcast with #TonySchiavone and #AubreyEdwards — #TonyKhan Previews #AEWAllIn London: https://player.fm/series/aew-unrestricted-2761567/tony-khan-previews-aew-all-in-london
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#aewallin #tonykhan #aubreyedwards #tonyschiavone #aewunrestricted #fitetv #nwa75 #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance
#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents —
a. #NWAWeekly - #NWA75 Preview: https://www.youtube.com/live/lMztlZV9Io0?si=tQsAXZgBqvNqJ9OW
b. #NWAPowerrr - Meet Me In St. Louis!: https://youtu.be/XSvKjinrBtc?si=KSA2fxN7d3cbpKrG
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.25.23) — #WWE #SmackDown Review, Remembering #BrayWyatt & #TerryFunk: https://www.youtube.com/live/W6RK2Xvb9Ww?si=MposI-uB_ZxBm5gD
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#terryfunk #braywyatt #smackdown #wwe #wrestlinginc #NWAPOWERRR #nwa75 #nwaweekly #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance
New episode list of my shows for August 21st:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWA75 Talk on #NWA's #YouTube page this evening and on demand anytime
#LastWord with #LawrenceODonnell on #MSNBC
#WWERaw live on #USANetwork
#WWE #RawTalk following #WWERAW on #Peacock in U.S. and the Free Version of #WWENetwork elsewhere
#wwenetwork #peacock #rawtalk #wwe #usanetwork #WWERaw #msnbc #lawrenceodonnell #lastword #YouTube #nwa #nwa75 #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 14 hrs. 54 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA))
#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents -
a. #NWA75 News + #MJJenkins Joins!: https://www.youtube.com/live/49_zY5nRUQU?feature=share
b. #NWAPowerrr - Will #Kamille's Record Breaking Reign End?: https://youtu.be/WcBzukWjmec
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#kamille #NWAPOWERRR #mjjenkins #nwa75 #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance
New episode list of my shows for August 14th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWA75 Talk on #NWA's #YouTube page this evening and on demand anytime
#LastWord with #LawrenceODonnell on #MSNBC
#WWERaw live on #USANetwork
#WWE #RawTalk following #WWERAW on #Peacock in U.S. and the Free Version of #WWENetwork elsewhere
#wwenetwork #peacock #rawtalk #wwe #usanetwork #WWERaw #msnbc #lawrenceodonnell #lastword #YouTube #nwa #nwa75 #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#NewJapan #ProWrestling (#NJPW) presents G1 Climax 33 Quarter Final (Aug 12, 2023 Tokyo) #G1CLIMAX33 on #NJPWWorld (subscription required): https://njpwworld.com/p/s_00658_36_1
#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents -
a. #NWA75 News w/ Former NWA Worlds Champion #TimStorm: https://www.youtube.com/live/_Ohut7afHok?feature=share
b. #NWAPowerrr - #Vampiro Makes His Powerrr Debut!: https://youtu.be/_Pe39qkUSys
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#vampiro #NWAPOWERRR #timstorm #nwa75 #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance #njpwworld #g1climax33 #njpw #prowrestling #newjapan
New episode list of my shows for August 7th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWA75 Talk on #NWA's #YouTube page this evening and on demand anytime
#LastWord with #LawrenceODonnell on #MSNBC
#WWERaw live on #USANetwork
#WWE #RawTalk following #WWERAW on #Peacock in U.S. and the Free Version of #WWENetwork elsewhere
#wwenetwork #peacock #rawtalk #wwe #usanetwork #WWERaw #msnbc #lawrenceodonnell #lastword #YouTube #nwa #nwa75 #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#GameChangerWrestling (#GCW) presents #MyNameIsGCW on #FITETV #LongLiveGCW (available via FITE+ subscription): https://www.fite.tv/watch/my-name-is-gcw/2pddo/
#Hoodslam #Wrestling presents hoodslam// u up? on #FITETV (available via FITE+ subscription): https://www.fite.tv/watch/hoodslam-u-up/2pdc1/
#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents -
a. #NWA75 News + #JaxDane Guests: https://www.youtube.com/live/sj_K1vTXRRM?feature=share
b. #NWAPowerrr - Masterlock Mayhem! Are You Down With The CLOWNS?: https://youtu.be/YFlGMpZpX8c
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#NWAPOWERRR #jaxdane #nwa75 #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance #wrestling #hoodslam #longlivegcw #fitetv #mynameisgcw #gcw #gamechangerwrestling
#NationalWrestlingAlliance (#NWA) presents #NWA75 Talk -
a. #ColbyCorino Wants The Title!: https://www.youtube.com/live/a-Sd-PkZZUI?feature=share
b. NWA 75 in St. Louis! | 'Bulletproof' Troop Joins!: https://www.youtube.com/live/fKLve9x0D4A?feature=share
ST⭐️RDOM presents the following on #StardomWorld #stardom (subscription required):
a. 7.20.2023 Hachinohe: https://www.stardom-world.com/set/4923
b. 7.21.2023 Sendai: https://www.stardom-world.com/set/4930
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#Stardom #StardomWorld #colbycorino #nwa75 #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance
Violent J is appear for #NWA75 and now I am gonna have to watch the show now, damnit!!!!
Violent J gets Billy a buy, not Tyrus. #wrestling #Juggalo #WhoopWhoop
#nwa75 #wrestling #juggalo #whoopwhoop