Watch "Catch Full Matches From NWA 312! | NWA Powerrr" on YouTube #nwapowerrr #nwa
With both Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch out of action, I think that Thunder Rosa is the best female wrestler on the planet right now.
#wrestling #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #wwe #wwf #worldwrestlingentertainment #worldwrestlingfederation #nwa #nwapowerrr #nationalwrestlingalliance #rondarousey #beckylynch #thunderrosa
#thunderrosa #beckylynch #rondarousey #nationalwrestlingalliance #nwapowerrr #nwa #worldwrestlingfederation #worldwrestlingentertainment #wwf #wwe #professionalwrestling #prowrestling #wrestling
I watched the first episode of NWA Powerrr when it first came out and loved it! But for whatever reason I never returned to it (probably because I was enjoying AEW too much).
Recently I've started watching through it from the start and I'm loving it. What fantastic wrestling.
#wrestling #professionalwrestling #prowrestling #nwa #nationalwrestlingalliance #nwapowerrr
#nwapowerrr #nationalwrestlingalliance #nwa #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #wrestling