Urban farms are all the rage, but how do they deal with climate change? In this #NWCH
#AdaptationInAction profile, an #urbanfarmer discusses adaptation practices he uses to increase climate resilience of his Spokane farm.
#urbanag #urbanfarm #ClimateChange #climateadaptation
#nwch #adaptationinaction #urbanfarmer #urbanag #urbanfarm #ClimateChange #climateadaptation
Comparative Analysis Of Performance And Mechanisms Of Flood Inundation Map Generation Using Height Above Nearest Drainage
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2022.105565 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #flood #water #hydrology #floodinundation #floodinundationmapping #heightabovenearestdrainage #modelcomparison #modelconfiguration #performanceanalysis #FIM #HAND #NWC #NWM #hydrofabric #USA #nationwide #floodmapping #NWCH #NHD #NHDPlusHR #NHDPlus #inundation #weather #precipitation #catchment #ratingcurves #prediction #climate #NOAA @nws #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #flood #water #hydrology #floodinundation #floodinundationmapping #heightabovenearestdrainage #modelcomparison #modelconfiguration #performanceanalysis #fim #hand #nwc #nwm #hydrofabric #USA #nationwide #floodmapping #nwch #nhd #nhdplushr #nhdplus #inundation #weather #precipitation #catchment #ratingcurves #prediction #climate #noaa #usgs