Global News BC: Police takedown in New Westminster after pursuit involving taxi #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #newwestminsterpoliceincident #newwestminsterpolicepursuit #NewWestminstertakedown #newwestminsterpursuit #newwestminsterarrest #NewWestminstercrime #newwestminstertaxi #PolicePursuit #Crime #NWPD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #newwestminsterpoliceincident #newwestminsterpolicepursuit #newwestminstertakedown #newwestminsterpursuit #newwestminsterarrest #NewWestminstercrime #newwestminstertaxi #policepursuit #crime #nwpd
Global News BC: Hostage safe, 2 men charged in New Westminster kidnapping: Police #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #newwestminsterkidnapping #NewWestminsterPolice #newwestminsterrnasom #kidnappingcharges #newwestkidnapping #b.c.kidnapping #NewWestPolice #b.c.ransom #Kidnapping #Ransom #Crime #NWPD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #newwestminsterkidnapping #NewWestminsterPolice #newwestminsterrnasom #kidnappingcharges #newwestkidnapping #b #newwestpolice #kidnapping #ransom #crime #nwpd
RT @AmJGastro
Be inspired by Dr. Amy Oxentenko’s reflections on the past, present, and promising future of #WomeninGI & what remains to be done to address gender inequalities, just in time for National Women Physicians Day!
#NWPD #ACGwomen #WomeninGI @AmyOxentenkoMD
RT @communityphm
February 3rd is the fourth National Women Physicians Day and 200th birthday of Elizabeth Blackwell, a pioneer of medical and feminist history who became the first woman to earn an M.D. degree from an American medical school in 1849 (and one of the first in the world). Happy #NWPD
RT @acgme
Tomorrow is #NationalWomenPhysiciansDay. The number of women entering the physician pipeline has steadily increased and now totals more than 71K. Below is the breakdown by specialty. More stats available in the #ACGME Data Resource Book: #NWPD
#nationalwomenphysiciansday #acgme #nwpd