I write stories occasionally as part of the Daily Kos community, mostly nature stuff. Here's a recent story I did about walking for three hours through Ridgefield NWR for three hours. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/8/2/2183856/-The-Daily-Bucket-Ridgefield-NWR-It-s-all-in-the-details
#PNW #photography #trees #oaks #wetland #nature #naturephotography #outdoors #washingtonstate #ClarkCounty #RidgefieldNationalWildlifeRefuge #Ridgefield #NationalWildlifeRefuge #NWR #bees #birds #bugs #insects #bumblebees #basalt #plants #invasives #geology #Washington #DailyKos
#pnw #photography #trees #oaks #wetland #nature #naturephotography #outdoors #washingtonstate #clarkcounty #ridgefieldnationalwildliferefuge #ridgefield #nationalwildliferefuge #nwr #bees #birds #bugs #insects #bumblebees #basalt #plants #invasives #geology #washington #dailykos
Where to buy #electronic devices in Germany, #NWR? I'm using Amazon or Saturn, but have a feeling it's not the best option.
It's almost time for my annual trip to Bombay Hook in Delaware. My husband and I try to get there at least once a year to photograph birds. It's such a beautiful place and on this day, I actually made it in time to see sunrise!
#BombayHook #Delaware #NationalWildlifeRefuge #NWR #sunrise #AYearForArt #ArtMatters #MastoPhoto #GetOutdoors #GoExplore
Prints Available
#bombayhook #delaware #NationalWildlifeRefuge #nwr #sunrise #ayearforart #artmatters #mastophoto #getoutdoors #goexplore
Ci si trova catapultati in una fiaba dai toni noir dove si capisce molto poco.
Lentissimo e altamente onirico, visivamente avvolgente.
Non è una serie da grande pubblico, ma da fan di #NicholasWindingRefn è uno spettacolo.
📝Voto: 7+
#copenhagencowboy #NicholasWindingRefn #serietv #26gennaio #nwr
I needed a couple of episodes to get into the flow of #CopenhagenCowboy, but now I really dig the show. It's slow, but it oozes style and the Dolby Atmos soundtrack is great. Probably my favorite #NWR project after "Drive".
Copenhagen Cowboy, een absolute aanrader voor wie eens iets anders wil zien dan het stereotiepe. Van de Deense regisseur N.W. Refn. #Netflix #CopenhagenCowboy #NWR
#netflix #copenhagencowboy #nwr
Copenhagen Cowboys, een absolute aanrader voor wie eens iets anders wil zien dan het stereotiepe. Van de Deense regisseur N.W. Refn. #Netflix #CopenhagenCowboys #NWR
#netflix #copenhagencowboys #nwr
Moin Bonn und Rhein-Sieg!
Wir präsentieren stolz unsere neue Teammanagerin für die Ladies: Eva Büchlein!
Schön, dass du bei uns bist!
#wirsinddiegamecocks #damenfootball #frauenfootball #bonn #rhein #nwr
Nicolas Winding Refn aime la nuit, la violence des gangsters, les rythme lents et les accélérations soudaines, les panos et les longs plans fixes, abuser des filtres monochromes, rouge et bleu surtout. Sa série Copenhagen Cowboy sur @NetflixFR ne déroge pas à ces règles. Bizarre, glauque, aussi bien envoûtant qu'angoissant.
#copenhagencowboy #netflix #NicolasWindingRefn #strange #NWR
#copenhagencowboy #netflix #nicolaswindingrefn #strange #nwr
Looking forward to #CopenhagenCowboy by #NWR on #Netflix. Need more slow shots of people standing still in neon light like #TooOldToDieYoung. Marvellous.
#copenhagencowboy #nwr #netflix #toooldtodieyoung
Un episodio natalizio? Quasi.
Nella nuova puntata di Passaggio a Nerd Est parlo di "Second Coming - L'avvento", il fumetto blasfemo (ma dove?) di Mike Russel e Richard Pace, ma anche di potere e fallimento.
Buone feste.
#Fumetto #Fumetti #Comics #Podcast #NerdEst #NWR #HicSuntSpoilers
#fumetto #fumetti #comics #podcast #nerdest #nwr #HicSuntSpoilers
Daily upload - Dec 23 - Turkey vulture, Sacramento CA NWR 22527 (2022) #nature #naturephotography #wildbirds #turkeyvulture #Sacramento #NWR
#nature #naturephotography #WildBirds #TurkeyVulture #sacramento #nwr
Daily upload - Dec 23 -Turkey vulture, Sacramento NWR 22527 (2022) #nature #naturephotography #wildbirds #nature #Sacramento #NWR
#nature #naturephotography #WildBirds #sacramento #nwr
Daily upload - Dec 22 - Trees and grasses, Sacramento CA NWR 22386 (2022) #nature #naturephotography #trees #silhouette #grasses #reflection #water #fog #sacramento #NWR
#nature #naturephotography #trees #silhouette #grasses #reflection #water #fog #sacramento #nwr
Daily upload - Dec 22 - Trees and grasses, Sacramento CA NWR 22386 (2022) #nature #naturephotography #trees #silhouette #grasses #reflection #water #fog #sacramento #NWR
#nature #naturephotography #trees #silhouette #grasses #reflection #water #fog #sacramento #nwr
Daily upload - Dec 21 - Winter, Sacramento NWR, 22281 (2022) #tree #water #fog #Sacramento #NWR
#tree #water #fog #sacramento #nwr
Daily upload - Dec 20 - Snow geese, Sacramento NWR CA 22143 (2022)
#wildbirds #water #nature #naturephotography #photography #Sacramento #NWR #reflection
#WildBirds #water #nature #naturephotography #photography #sacramento #nwr #reflection
Abbiamo corso un po' per anticipare di una settimana la pubblicazione nuovo episodio di Passaggio a Nerd-Est, dedicato a 'La Prima Bomba' di @MarcoRizzo e La Tram.
Ci tenevamo a uscire oggi per parlare, nel giorno dell'anniversario, della della strage di Piazza Fontana, ma anche di Pinelli, di Calabresi e di Valpreda.
#NerdEst #NWR #HicSuntSpoilers
Amazon Music:
#nerdest #nwr #HicSuntSpoilers
One of my favorite types of pictures are the #WhatAreYouLookingAt gazes I capture when the bird looks directly at the camera.
In this case, I happened to catch the look in my direction and also the look sent in the direction of the kestrel.
#Stillwater #NWR #Nevada #Birds #Birding #BirdWatching #Wildlife #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #RedShoulderedHawk
#whatareyoulookingat #Stillwater #nwr #nevada #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #redshoulderedhawk