The #WriteTheDocs talk by @sarah11918 about encouraging community-driven documentation was very helpful. Sarah introduced the power of the Not Worse Than What We Had Before (
#NWTWWHB ) approach to accepting contributions to docs.
@lananovikova reflects on this talk:
#writethedocs #nwtwwhb #techwriting #techcomms
Sharing the lovely sketchnote of my talk, crafted by Linette Voller. (
Thanks for having me, #WriteTheDocs! And thanks for the kind comments I woke up to in my time zone! 😂
Now, it's FriYay Merge Day in Astro Docs Discord, where we see how many PRs we can get over the #NWTWWHB threshold, sending community contributors into the weekend with virtual confetti. 🎊
Join us at for general docs merriment & mayhem! #WithAstro #OpenSource #Documentation
#writethedocs #nwtwwhb #withastro #opensource #documentation
Sharing the lovely sketchnote of my talk, crafted by Linette Voller. (
Thanks for having me, #WriteTheDocs! And thanks for the kind comments I woke up to in my time zone! 😂
Now, it's FriYay Merge Day in Astro Docs Discord, where we see how many PRs we can get over the #NWTWWHB threshold, sending community contributors into the weekend with virtual confetti. 🎊
Join us at for general docs merriment & mayhem! #WithAstro #OpenSource #Documentation
#writethedocs #nwtwwhb #withastro #opensource #documentation
Love this phrase from @sarah11918 - "Not worse than what we had before" #NWTWWHB
From her presentation, "Happy Contributors, High Standards: pick two! Balancing quality and community in open source documentation" at Write The Docs Australia 2022 conference.