This week, Thursday Feb. 9 7ET/4PT, a joint town hall on the topic “Artificial Intelligence and Our Work” will be held for NewsGuild-CWA, NABET-CWA, National Writers Union, and Writers Guild of America East members and staff.
#journalism #artificialIntelligence #AI #NewsGuild #WritersGuildEast #WGA #NationalWritersUnion #NWU #NABETCWA
#journalism #artificialintelligence #ai #newsguild #writersguildeast #wga #nationalwritersunion #nwu #nabetcwa
This is absolutely incredible. The most amazing case of "Starting/Going" I've ever seen. Beyond parody. My gob is truly smacked.
Six unions, including the newsroom, are currently on strike against the Post-Gazette over unfair wages and bargaining practices. You can't be pro-union and a scab crossing the picket line to take a union worker's job.
#solidarity #nwu #paythewriter