Can you guess what's in the picture?
#scavengerhunt #nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica
I am currently reading Learner-centered Teaching book by Maryellen Weimer.
Learner-centered teaching focuses on engaging and empowering students in the learning process, encouraging collaboration and a classroom community, promoting reflection about what and how students are learning, and explicitly discussing the learning process.
#nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica #lida101 #photo_challenge
In order to be learner-centered, instructional practices will have to change in the following domains: The balance of power, the function of content, the role of the teacher, the responsibility for learning, and evaluation purpose and processes.
#nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica #lida101 #photo_challenge
"When the product is education, the customer cannot always be right, there is no money-back guarantee and tuition "dollars" do not buy desired grades."
#nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica #lida101
"we are motivated to control because teaching makes usvulnerable. Teachers almost never mention this reason, probablybecause their understanding of it is more intuitive than explicit."
#nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica #lida101 #photo_challenge
“He means to offer a
system in which the locus of the learning process is shifted from
the teacher to the students. And this shift overtly signifies an
altered power relationship, not only in the classroom but in the
broader social canvas as well.”
This is a quote I found interesting from the book I am currently reading about Learner centered teaching.
#nwu_ctl_vm2022_southafrica #lida101 #photo_challenge