#POSTWrestling Podcast — #WWE #NXTHeatwave 8/22/23 Review | upNXT: https://www.youtube.com/live/M-bhC0ITSqM?si=xqz1OzW4LNAZUCyw
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (8.22.23) — #WWENXT Review, More: https://www.youtube.com/live/d41lorqOZrc?si=s3AtkwXZvGd7_GKM
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents —
a. WWT News - 8.23.23 (Will #BeckyLynch Become #WWENXT Champion?): https://www.youtube.com/live/Gq90xwASA24?si=d2WWT_LL0hvAvMCE
b. Exclusive Interview with #SamiCallihan: https://youtu.be/F1FG_UP_Uck?si=E2dqpqgM7CHkQr51
(2 of 4)
#samicallihan #beckylynch #womenswrestling #WWENXT #wrestlinginc #nxtheatwave #wwe #postwrestling
#WWENXT presents #NXTHeatwave live next on #USANetwork!
#usanetwork #nxtheatwave #WWENXT
#CarmeloHayes defends the #WWENXT Championship against #WesLee plus much more live tonight on #NXTHeatwave!
#nxtheatwave #weslee #WWENXT #carmelohayes
New episode list of my shows for August 22nd:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
[The above shows are probably a repeat, new seasons start in September]
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
#WWENXT presents #NXTHeatwave live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #nxtheatwave #WWENXT #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright