Dr Alice Violett · @alicemcalicepants
425 followers · 3514 posts · Server ohai.social

I have a very rough draft of the 100-word story (24 hour challenge, 5am-5am, makes sense in originating timezone) and it's just occurred to me that my ideas for both that and the 3,000-word story centre around elderly people.

#nycmidnight #nycmicrofictionchallenge #microfictionchallenge100 #amwriting

Last updated 1 year ago

pretendcato · @pretendcato
59 followers · 31 posts · Server mastodon.me.uk

It’s 23:10 in the UK and I just submitted a 250 word story to the NYC microfiction 24 hour challenge. You get given a genre, action and word that you have to use for the story and I got:
Genre: Horror
Action: Predicting something
Word: down

It’s not a super piece of work, and horror stories are too scary for me, but it is done, and hopefully creepy enough: nycmidnight.com/mfc250-upload-

And that’s new thing number 5 ticked off the list - TICK ✅

#newthings #nycmicrofictionchallenge #writing

Last updated 2 years ago