Our friends with the NYC Office of Nightlife have been planning a free and online webinar on Active Shooter Preparedness Training.
In light of the Colorado Springs mass shooting, this webinar has been opened to nighttime businesses across the country.
The free Zoom-based training will be held Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 1 pm EST.
Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nFv_3Jg4RPmIgYH26_J0Jw
#training #webinar #planning #NYCOfficeofNightlife #activeshootertraining #nighttimeeconomy
#nighttimeeconomy #activeshootertraining #nycofficeofnightlife #planning #webinar #training
Our friends with the NYC Office of Nightlife have been planning a free and online webinar on Active Shooter Preparedness Training.
In light of the Colorado Springs mass shooting, this webinar has been opened to nighttime businesses across the country.
The free Zoom-based training will be held Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 1 pm EST.
Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nFv_3Jg4RPmIgYH26_J0Jw
#training #webinar #planning #NYCOfficeofNightlife #activeshootertraining #nighttimeeconomy
#nighttimeeconomy #activeshootertraining #nycofficeofnightlife #planning #webinar #training