Episode 145 of #BreakingBadness is now available. This week, @punsandrosess, @ColonelPanic, and @tw_pierce discuss vulnerabilities in #Siemens PLCs along with Kevin Chung's blog post on resurrecting #NYCTrainSign. Listen here: https://www.domaintools.com/resources/podcasts/145-me-myself-and-api?utm_source=Social&utm_medium=Mastodon&utm_campaign=Breaking-Badness
#breakingbadness #siemens #nyctrainsign
Taking over a Dead #IoT Company
Very good teardown on the HW/SW and business of the #NYCTrainSign.
I agree with his conclusion: Good Idea, Good Timing, Bad Team, Bad Product (or Engineering?)
Bonus point: He managed to buy the original API endpoint domain and hack the sign SW so you can keep using yours! #RightToOperate
#iot #nyctrainsign #righttooperate
Fascinating teardown of the defunct #NYCTrainSign sign, and the company itself. If you take nothing from this post other than you need to multiply your BoM cost by 4(ish) to get your retail price, then you'll have spent your time wisely. #IoT #Abandonware https://blog.kchung.co/taking-over-a-dead-iot-company/
#nyctrainsign #iot #abandonware