Harassment allegations
Behind his name long ago
A painful story
#sexualharassment #nygov #metoo #haiku #poetry
#sexualharassment #nygov #metoo #haiku #poetry
RT @lxeagle17@twitter.com
Among the biggest casualties of tonight might be the Trafalgar Group's A- rating on FiveThirtyEight. All-star ensemble of polls that had things like a tie in #NYGov. Turns out that randomly adding extra Republicans to polls isn't always a winning strategy.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lxeagle17/status/1590181802563768322
RT @ElectionCenter_@twitter.com
Incumbent Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul is the Projected Winner in the New York Governor Election. She will defeat Republican Lee Zeldin.
Democratic Hold
#Election2022 #ElectionDay #NYGov
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElectionCenter_/status/1590162257421312001
#nygov #electionday #election2022
Incumbent Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul is the Projected Winner in the New York Governor Election. She will defeat Republican Lee Zeldin.
Democratic Hold
#nygov #ElectionDay #election2022
RT @OneAddyAdds
Larry Sharpe is the Libertarian Nominee for Governor of New York, but the state has disallowed third parties and state judges are doing nothing about it.
#ny #nypol #newyork #thesharpeway #larrysharpe
#libertarian #nygov #nymidterms #elections2022 #Midterms2022
#ny #nypol #newyork #TheSharpeWay #larrysharpe #libertarian #nygov #nymidterms #elections2022 #midterms2022
RT @OneAddyAdds
Larry Sharpe is the Libertarian Nominee for Governor of New York, but the state has disallowed third parties and state judges are doing nothing about it.
#ny #nypol #newyork #thesharpeway #larrysharpe
#libertarian #nygov #nymidterms #elections2022 #Midterms2022
#ny #nypol #newyork #TheSharpeWay #larrysharpe #libertarian #nygov #nymidterms #elections2022 #midterms2022
RT @LarrySharpe
Do you have your “Larry Sharpe For Governor” merch yet? Please do check out my store. Show your support while also supporting me. Thanks!
#anewny #sharpe4gov #libertarian #ny #nygov
RT @LarrySharpe
Do you have your “Larry Sharpe For Governor” merch yet? Please do check out my store. Show your support while also supporting me. Thanks!
#anewny #sharpe4gov #libertarian #ny #nygov
RT @LarrySharpe
Birthday Talk Fundraiser for the Future
4yrs ago on my Birthday I announced my run for Governor. This year I am still torn on how, when and even if!
#LarrySharpe #libertarian #liberty #NY #nygov
#larrysharpe #libertarian #liberty #ny #nygov
RT @LarrySharpe
Look, everyone! His Royal Highness Governor Cuomo has dressed the part!
#SharpeWay #LarrySharpe #libertarian #liberty #nygov #govcuomo #ny #Covid_19 #Christmas #Grinch
#sharpeway #larrysharpe #libertarian #liberty #nygov #govcuomo #ny #COVID_19 #christmas #grinch
RT @LarrySharpe@twitter.com
This is my commercial that I need to circulate as widely as possible. Could you RT or share it with others? We need to get my message to as many New Yorkers as possible. Thanks!
#Sharpe4Gov #SharpeHollister2018 #aNewNY #Libertarian #NYGov #GOTV
#sharpe4gov #sharpehollister2018 #anewny #libertarian #nygov #gotv
RT @LarrySharpe@twitter.com
“I talk often about using our infrastructure in NY State as a way of raising money. We should be leasing the naming rights out.”
#Sharpe4Gov #aNewNY #Libertarian #BreakTheStatusCuomo #SaveMainStreet #infrastructure #NYGov #ElectionDay #Midterms2018
#sharpe4gov #anewny #libertarian #breakthestatuscuomo #savemainstreet #infrastructure #nygov #electionday #midterms2018
RT @LarrySharpe@twitter.com
“A Libertarian is someone who says you can be as liberal or as conservative as you want to be; just don’t force others to be like you.”
#Sharpe4Gov #aNewNY #Libertarian #SharpeHollister2018 #BreakTheStatusCuomo #NYGov #SaveMainStreet #GOTV
#sharpe4gov #anewny #libertarian #sharpehollister2018 #breakthestatuscuomo #nygov #savemainstreet #gotv
RT @LarrySharpe@twitter.com
Did you catch my appearance on The Rubin Report with Dave Rubin? You can watch it right here. Thanks!
#Sharpe4Gov #aNewNY #NYGov #GOTV #Libertarian #SaveMainStreet #BreakTheStatusCuomo
#sharpe4gov #anewny #nygov #gotv #libertarian #savemainstreet #breakthestatuscuomo
RT @LarrySharpe@twitter.com
Congrats! You’re the new owner of a Golden Ticket! Are you ready for a New New York?
#Sharpe4Gov #SharpeHollister2018 #aNewNY #Libertarian #SaveMainStreet #BreakTheStatusCuomo #nygov
To donate:
#sharpe4gov #sharpehollister2018 #anewny #libertarian #savemainstreet #breakthestatuscuomo #nygov