Gizmodo: NYPD Sergeant Reportedly Identified as Brooklyn's Compulsive Litterer #newyorkcitypolicedepartment #johntrzcinski #gothamist #emmydavey #nypdblue #mary #ann
#newyorkcitypolicedepartment #johntrzcinski #gothamist #emmydavey #nypdblue #mary #ann
La fin de « Sous Stéroïdes » 🥹
J’dois bien avouer que j’aime plutôt le personnage de Sipowicz pour l’instant.
Medavoy qui est incapable de dire un mot dès qu’il voit Mlle Abandando. On dirait un ado 😂.
Heute neu: Staffel 10 von NYPD Blue bei Disney+ #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay #NYPDBlue
#nypdblue #PlayByDay #HeuteNeu
#AustinMajors, child actor in the 1990s and 2000s, died February 11 at the age of 27 in a homeless facility from suspected fentanyl poisoning. Majors' best known role was as Theo Sipowics on #NYPDBlue. He also appeared on #Providence, #ER, #Threshold, #AccordingToJim, #NCIS, #DesperateHousewives and #HowIMetYourMother. He also did voice work for #TreasurePlanet, #Hercules, #TheAntBully, #AmericanDad and #DeadSilence. #RIP
#austinmajors #nypdblue #providence #er #threshold #accordingtojim #ncis #desperatehousewives #howimetyourmother #treasureplanet #hercules #theantbully #americandad #deadsilence #rip
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Abby Sullivan from NYPD Blue - #NYPDBlue #LWTVcotd
I've randomly started watching #NYPDBlue on #DisneyPlus and I love it. Very old school and retro.
Heute neu: Staffel 9 von NYPD Blue bei Disney+ #NYPDBlue #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
#PlayByDay #HeuteNeu #nypdblue
Shocking Video Shows NYPD Ruthlessly Beating Black Girl | #newyorkcitypolicedepartmentcorruptionandmisconduct #americantelevisionseries #americantelevisionshows #televisionseries #taneesharobinson #keechantsewell #nicholasscalzo #kyonnarobinson #ericadams #nypdblue
#newyorkcitypolicedepartmentcorruptionandmisconduct #americantelevisionseries #americantelevisionshows #televisionseries #taneesharobinson #keechantsewell #nicholasscalzo #kyonnarobinson #ericadams #nypdblue
24 years ago today:
S6E9: Grime Scene
Kirkendall's son witnesses a stabbing in a convenience store. Sorenson and Russell join forces to try and protect him from getting caught up in the 'system'. Medavoy and Martinez have to get their hands dirty to solve the killing of a vagrant with lots of enemies. Sgt. Dorning helps ADA Costas and S...
Airdate: 1999-01-05
#NYPDBlue #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#nypdblue #classictv #tv #television
29 years ago today:
S1E12: Up on the Roof
While Martinez investigates a series of robberies involving a fake ATM machine, Kelly's current case yields evidence that links Licalsi to the mob. Meanwhile, Lt. Fancy tries to extend his custody of a young boy whose mother is in a drug rehabilitation program.
Airdate: 1994-01-04
#NYPDBlue #ClassicTV #TV #Television
#nypdblue #classictv #tv #television
you're a half ass con-man steve, you barely covered your tracks, how the fuck could you strangle tina mosely, who was 8 months pregnant and leave her in a dumpster? #nypdblue
#NYPDBlue Just recently watched all 12 seasons of NYPD Blue on Disney. An amazing show and still holds up.
Every time I rewatch #nypdblue, I'm so glad Martens shows up more in season 4.
Feeling like shit (thanks, migraine), so listening to Sipowicz yell at, well, everything.... #nypdblue
Il grande assente delle piattaforme streaming è #nypdblue una serie tv degli anni 90 capostipite del procedurale moderno. La serie ideata da Steven Bochco e David Milch. Si fece notare in quegli anni per realismo delle riprese e del linguaggio, per i primi nudi in una serie procedurale ed infine per i personaggi di grande spessore come il detective Sipowicz (Dennis Franz) ed il Detective Simone (Jimmy Smith). Negli USA lo si trova nella libreria #disneyplus. #mastoserie #serietv #crime
#crime #serietv #mastoserie #disneyplus #nypdblue
Viendo #NYPDBlue, y tengo ganas terribles de escribir historias para sLAng (#juegosderol)