@donwatkins @edutooters Don. Thanks. My #NYSCATE presentation has been accepted. I'm looking forward to it.
@WillRichardson Will. I went to #nyscate this year and went to a great presentation by Trumansburg School District. I was so happy to hear that you helped them. They stated that you made sure that everything was looked at through the lens of the school’s vision and mission. Keep it up.
Held a great session yesterday on #Scratch #scratchjr and it's relation to the NYS Computer Science & Digital Fluency standards here at #nyscate22
Thanks to everyone who could join. You can find all resources at bit.ly/nyscate-22 or at https://sites.google.com/oncboces.org/scratch-csdf-itch/home
#CSDF #NYSCATE #scratch3 #edtech #edutooter
#scratchjr #nyscate22 #CSDF #nyscate #scratch3 #edtech #scratch #edutooter