Wow, the NYT and the Stumper both went hard today. Look at all those scratch-outs. But I always enjoy some HOTCIDER (but please not from a K-Cup). No idea what DERNIERCRI is, either. I did love 51A in the Stumper, though; Jake is being ADORABLE and getting spoiled right now, in fact.
At least the Universal and LAT were easy today. Nice to see PANROMANTIC in a puzzle. And I'm hoping our landlord will be reasonable when we renew next year so no RENTSTRIKE will be required.
#crossword #nytxword #universalxword #stumper #latxword
Today was for coincidental fill across the puzzles. With a MAI in the LAT, and TAIs in both the NYT and Universal, we've one-and-a-half MAITAIs for a Friday. And IDAHO is well-represented, spelled out in the NYT and abbreviated in the USAT.
#Crosswords #nytxword #latxword #universalxword #usatxword
New Tuesday PR. Maybe I should fall asleep before the puzzle is released more often, so I need to wait to solve? #nytxword
I really hope 28D is not what I think it is at first guess. 3 letters. “People, e.g., informally” #nytxw #crossword #nytxword
Late with these, since my Wednesday WaPo didn't get delivered until today. Would have been quite topical last night, as the LAT puzzle reminds us of ZELDA, and the new game was announced at yesterday's Nintendo Direct (though we have to wait until May 12 to play it). Nice misdirect on the clue for 9D, though I'd argue there are many much more versatile doc formats than PDFS. And OUTTHEWAZOO did make me laugh.
The NYT theme was meh, but the downs were all excellent, as we BUTTDIAL in our Star Wars UNDEROOS. I don't know if Joe Biden has ever said IMEANCOMEON, but for some reason I hear that in his voice.
#crossword #nytxword #latxword
Bit of a MAGIC theme today with MAGICBEAN in the NYT and the MAGICCASTLE in the LAT.
Clue of the day was definitely 39D in USAT, "Performance with kings and queens"
#crossword #nytxword #usatxword #latxword
Always amusing to see GRINDR in the NYT puzzle.
LAT reminds us of Mr. Rogers good advice to "Look for the HELPERS." Also, I'll never understand why there's a second L in ALFALFA.
USAT goes all-in with some TRAITOROUS WAGETHEFT. And then it shows its TRANSPRIDE. If anyone thinks this isn't today's best puzzle, we'll just have to AGREETODISAGREE.
#crossword #nytxword #latxword #usatxword
An excellent set of puzzles in the NYT for Sunday. I only vaguely remember the Two-For-One format, but it's an amazing feat.
The main crossword features an amazing selection of groan-worthy puns. THUMBMADETRICKS is just crazy. I will admit I don't remember either of the clued ATARI games, Xybots and Klax.
Kind of jolting to have BEACHREAD in the NYT on one of the coldest days we've had this year (I'm late posting, but I did that one on Saturday when it was 11F out).
Universal reminded us that SHARINGISCARING. I hope y'all enjoy my posts :)
LAT was unusually tricky, but you have to love any puzzle that leads off with PEPPAPIG. I enjoyed learning that Cape Canaveral's AREACODE is 321. And that clue on GAYBARS is fabulous. But EARLAP crossing a tough clue for ASTA was a rough finish.
The Stumper featured favorite vehicles DIRIGIBLES. And the retro DIALO for 411 was a fun trick. But CALUMNIATE and the obscure battery size AAAA made the SW tough.
#crossword #nytxword #latxword #unixword #saturdaystumper
A bit peeved with the NYT for making me remember Avatar and its idiotic MacGuffin UNOBTANIUM. But then we get adorable MARSROVER Perseverance and a good SF answer in CRYOSLEEP to make up for it.
The Universal had a delightful hot pepper theme. I wish Midtown had a better selection of spicy food; I haven't felt a good burn for too long.
USAT gets in highly topical MISOPROSTOL. If you might need it, get it now!
LAT has a fun multi-lingual theme. How often do we get TURKISH or JAVAnese in our crosswords? And the English phrases were all fun, too.
#crossword #nytxword #unixword #latxword #usatxword
The Universal crossword today triggered a bit of nostalgia for the days when I travelled every week and had opinions on the relative merits off all the airlines. Well, I still would refuse to fly SPIRIT.
NYT had the kind of meta I'd expect in a Sunday WaPo, but was a pleasant surprise for the Times. The missing DARKMATTER leaves a nice valid grid.
The LAT made me figure out how to spell DIADELOSMUERTOS. I really wish I'd taken Spanish in school.
#nytxword #latxword #unixword #crossword
34A in today's NYT reminded me that I need to read Octavia Butler's IMAGO, so I have requested a copy from NYPL.
USAT reminds me I'm several novels behind on reading NEALSTEPHENSON, but I feel less compelled to rush and rectify that (though Fall is on the headboard shelves to be read soonish.)
LAT reminds us of CHARLIE Jane Anders, whose Unstoppable trilogy will be complete in April, and which I'm definitely looking forward to reading then.
#Crosswords #nytxword #latxword #usatxword #books
Today's Mini calls out us obsessive Internet users...
Stumper stumped me today. Had to give up and google for ASYNDETON to get going in the SE. I was not expecting the SHILLELAGH in the Celtics logo, but at least that I could get through crosses. ALABROCHE was new to me, too. At least SHIBBOLETH was easy, since that was one of my favorite Bible stories as a kid.
LAT had some fun answers with RAGTAGARMY and OCEANARIUM. I don't think I've ever had a CHELSEABUN, but they look yummy. Also please to see the Chicago representation, even if the MAGNIFICENTMILE was always one of my less favorite parts of town (too high rent for any of the good pizza places).
Universal continues their nice Saturday themelesses. PRDISASTER is a fun entry, and THATSAMORE was stuck in my head for a while after solving.
The NYT was solved after SLEEPINGIN until noon, and I approve of any puzzle with a CAT.
#crossword #NYTXword #LATXword #UniversalXword #SaturdayStumper
#crossword #nytxword #latxword #universalxword #saturdaystumper
The NYT reminded us that it was a FRIDAY the 13th, though it passed as any ordinary Friday for us.
The standout of the day was the yummy theme in the USAT. Unfortunately I have not been able to make a meal of FRIES, NUGGETS, BURGER, and POP happen in a while, but I may have to try.
#crossword #nytxword #usatxword
The big news today is that the NY Daily News has finally included circles in a Universal grid! We still get the awkward cluing, too, but maybe they can edit that out in future. And add the title and byline, too. That said, the puzzle itself was definitely not a CHORE, though I had some trouble deciding if 46D would be VIBED, GIBED, or finally JIBED.
NYT was unintentionally amusing with its very mild idea of what constitutes an OATH. Also a rare typo in the clue for 19D (in fact, i wrote in TYPO before SILO since I figured "Stprage" must be deliberate.)
From USAT, I learned HANOI is only Vietnam's 2nd largest city. I would have guessed it was the biggest, but apparently Ho Chi Minh City is over twice as large.
In the LAT, I loved the MALICESHELF, though I'd say that's where I keep my hate reads like the Orson Scott Card books I just can't part with.
#crossword #unixword #nytxword #usatxword #latxword
NYT wins the day with a HELLOKITTY theme full of cats.
USAT makes me want some BANANABREAD. Anyone know a good source in NYC?
#crossword #nytxword #usatxword
Today's NYT was particularly timely, as my husband Edward awaits the completion of a BACKGROUNDCHECK so he can start his new job (hopefully next Tuesday).
The Universal reminds us that noone with a MANBUN will ever be a STUDMUFFIN.
USAT is making me hungry for some good CHOWDER. Anyone have any recommendations for some in NYC?
#crossword #nytxword #latxword #unixword
Today's NYT rebuses remind me that while I have seen CATS and EVITA live (though not on Broadway) and don't feel the need to ever see them again, I have not seen RENT or HAIR live, which I do hope I can correct someday.
USAT surprised me with 9D. Given the clue and the INS at the start, I immediately guessed the right answer but was slow to fill it in as I didn't think a mainstream publication would go there. And of course TALKLIKEAPIRATE is a fabulous answer.
#crossword #nytxword #usatxword
USAT has PANDABEARS, so they easily win the day.
Since English is his second language, my husband Edward can't usually help much with the crosswords. But today, he provided the XAI dynasty for the NYT, and for the USAT, he confirmed that fried MILK is delicious (but I still don't understand how you fry milk), and explained that couples should not share PEARs or they will separate.
#crossword #nytxword #usatxword