Seeing a lot of toots about the #NZCensus this week and as a Dutchman, it's given me food for thought. Here, the census is performed by a government agency based on our digital government infrastructure and other public records, so there's no actual questionnaire. I do wonder how much this skews our data, as things like gender identity, sexuality and other labels can change and are not necessarily accurately reflected in these databases, nor is the question where I was on the night of *date*.
Have started thinking of the #NZCensus as the 'Bicycle, bicycle, bisexual' survey.
Filling out the census return for an elderly relative, we come to the educational qualifications question. Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 certificate? Diploma? They qualified as a schoolteacher in the early 1950s - but searching for historical NZ teaching qualifications on the web was hopeless as far as finding an answer was concerned. It's too late to correct the online return (I put "Other") but just because I'm curious, what would the correct answer have been?
#NZcensus #census
Miss 16 and Mr 14 were concerned that they wouldn't be home on Tuesday night, they would be @ Harry Styles.
I asked if they were planning to spend the night with Harry or just go to his concert. 🤣
Miss 16 reckons Harry's so rich he will just pay $2k fine and not fill in the form.
I reckon'd someone in Harry's entourage will be filling in his and the crews #NZcensus'.
Had a great chat with Miss 16, Mr 14 and Mr10 about the #NZCensus forms I gave them to fill in as individuals. Opened up a whole new opportunity to discuss the importance of civic engagement in this rapidly evolving world.
#NZCensus time: if you are non-religious just say so.
Non-religious people sometimes like to refer to themselves as Humanist, Rationalist, Atheist, Freethinker, Secularist or some other title. However, if you use these titles on the census you’ll be counted in the category of “Other Religions, Belief and Philosophies”. This is unfortunate.
We think the best way to answer the question is simply to state you have no religion.
#nzcensus #skeptic #atheist #humanist #NZTwits
Oh cool! The poster campaign I have been working in for the lead up to the census has gone up around the country! #humanist #nzCensus #NoReligion
#humanist #nzcensus #NoReligion