Easy dinner tonight of cheese and cold meats and vegetable crudites 😊👍🏼 love this time of year and these sorts of easy leftover dinners 😁🥰
#NZChristmas #NZholidays #BoxingDay
#nzchristmas #nzholidays #boxingday
Meri Kirihimete one and all ❤️🎄🤶🌲 tis a lovely sunny day here in the Tron, the kids had a hoot unwrapping everything and I have had three mimosas already, it's gonna be a good day 🤣😊🍸
With perfect timing our small pōhutukawa tree is flowering.
#pohutukawa #gardening #nzchristmas
Bay of plenty road trip yesterday and found a baby pohutukawa tree. I love these flowers! #pohutukawa #nzchristmas
#FotoMontag I don’t often post photos that I take for my work but this shot just shouted #NZChristmas and #Nelson #SantaParade
#Fotomontag #nzchristmas #nelson #santaparade