11 followers · 8 posts · Server hcommons.social

A fascinating look at how the helps out with in - they recently unloaded a lot of the gear for our upcoming mission examining whether the melted in the distant past and what that means for our warming world . We're grateful for all the work they do on the frozen continent.

#nzdefenceforce #science #antarctica #SWAIS2C #westantarcticicesheet #howmuchhowfast

Last updated 2 years ago

9 followers · 5 posts · Server hcommons.social

Some of the equipment (including the all-important drill) is being unloaded at in from the Ocean Giant (big blue ship) by . The causeway in the bottom left has just been built. You can watch the action at... usap.gov/videoclipsandmaps/mcm

#SWAIS2C #mcmurdo #antarctica #nzdefenceforce

Last updated 2 years ago