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#medicine #newzealand #NewZealand #NewZealandIsNotSocialist #WeBarelyHaveMedicine
#Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare
#Underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole
Some meds here are funded. But the newest and best ones are not. In actual fact we are about 40 years behind in medicine here and we don't have a comprehensive range of testing available unless you have health insurance. If you are coming here for our healthcare think again. We do not have proper healthcare. At all.
#medicine #newzealand #newzealandisnotsocialist #webarelyhavemedicine #Aoteaora #immigrants #notwhatyouthink #americannurses #nurses #traveltonz #donttraveltonz #wehavenoproperhealthcare #underfunded #underfundedmedicine #nzisrightwing #rightwinghellhole