“All those involved on the day of the recovery, around 50 people in total, hope that when the time is right the waka Kuranui will return to Pātea where it can stand as a memorial to all those who lived, loved and laid down their guns at Kuranui Pā. “
#waka #pacifism #nzwars https://thespinoff.co.nz/atea/20-06-2023/the-incredible-recovery-of-a-taranaki-waka-brought-to-light-after-150-years
#OnThisDay 21 February 1864: The settlement of Rangiaowhia - a place of refuge for women, children and the elderly - is attacked by British and colonial troops during the invasion of Waikato. - Vincent O'Malley (twitter @vomalley) #NZWars #Indigenous #IndigenousMastodon #NativeMastodon
#nativemastodon #indigenousmastodon #indigenous #nzwars #onthisday
Today marks our last day of Waikato fieldwork for our
#NZWars project. As always, we pay our respects to the Rangatira before heading to Ōrākau one last time for this particular kaupapa 😭 So hard to say goodbye (or maybe just a quiet, mā te wā)