I'm on the road to Dublin soon! @SREcon EU 2023 is just a month away and I'm going to be part of the adventures around #cloudnative #observability and have a story to tell about why #metrics, #traces, and #logs are the wrong way to approach #o11y. https://bit.ly/srecon-eu-2023-road-to-dublin
#cloudnative #observability #metrics #traces #logs #o11y
This week's O11y News features my latest blog post, and some other wonderful contributions from the community. Check it out!!
#observability #o11y #o11ynews
The most important factor in getting your logs under control is routing them to the right place, /dev/null included. If you're trying to optimize log costs in a system that's already charged you dollars per gig on ingress, you've already lost the battle.
#observability #o11y #monitoring
Logs are the Fax machine of the observability stack. Doesn't matter what you think about them, they will still be around for a very long time. #justsaying #o11y #observability https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/07/japanese-fax-fans-rally-to-defence-of-much-maligned-machine
#observability #o11y #justsaying
Teams should have a regular review to determine what of their #Observability data is actually being used. Otherwise, "just in case" becomes a value-less justification with uncapped costs.
#observability #o11y #monitoring
Today @Prometheus released v2.47.0, so I updated my entire #Prometheus Fundamentals #workshop to use v2.47.0. Enjoy today the latest in #opensource #cloudnative #observability and get hands-on with #o11y!
#prometheus #workshop #opensource #cloudnative #observability #o11y
Saving money on #Observability tooling is incredibly simple. Turn off all the tooling. Maximum savings instantly achieved.
But if you wanted something *short* of that extreme, you'll need a coherent #o11y framework, an understanding of your business, and some judgment.
#observability #o11y #monitoring
October is going to be exciting, I'll be sharing some great insights at @allthingsopen into helping you engage with your executives and move them to action with #cloudnative bedtime stories! #observability #o11y
#cloudnative #observability #o11y
ICYMI: The latest lab (chapter) in my #cloudnative #observability #workshop is online and free for your hands-on enjoyment. Check out how you can use dynamic service discovery with @Prometheus and level up your #o11y today!
#cloudnative #observability #workshop #o11y
The recordings are live for my session at #DataOpsDay23, with my thanks to @devopsdotcom and @TechstrongLrn for having me over to talk about optimizing #cloudnative #observability spend and taking back control of your #o11y data!
#dataopsday23 #cloudnative #observability #o11y
The Speed of Light Will Cap Traditional Centralized #Observability
There are lots of reasons that DevOps teams have been looking into #o11y Pipelines and their in-flight processing possibilities: cost, performance. But I rarely hear about the hardest limit:
The Speed of Light
"...what you don’t know can hurt your teams and the company’s bottom line."
This has never been more true than now in the era of #cloudnative #observability where your #o11y data can make or break you.
#cloudnative #observability #o11y
What are the most important inputs and outputs to track in Observability? A few ideas...
- Data ingested
- Time spent building/updating tools
- Costs
- Bugs caught
- Time spent in tools
- o11y support requests
- # of user queries and dashboards
Because Observability is a meta-practice, at what point does it deserve focused attention instead of being an afterthought? Launch? A scale threshold? Downtime thresholds? Dev burnout?
In order to improve your Observability practice, you first need to *write down* what you want from it. Otherwise, the path beyond Collect > Search > Display becomes impossibly murky.
Today you'll also find this article on the @DZoneInc Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance main page, so check out the latest in my #cloudnative #observability #o11y #workshop
#cloudnative #observability #o11y #workshop
I'm looking forward to how all the Observability tools change as OTel gains more and more mindshare. If collection isn't the primary value for a vendor, what is?
#observability #o11y #opentelemetry
Featured on #DZoneInc, Getting Started With @Prometheus #Workshop series with a new lab for you to explore diving into Service Discovery! #cloudnative #observability #opensource #o11y
#dzoneinc #workshop #cloudnative #observability #opensource #o11y
Building an Observability practice that's dependent on large amounts of egress, the highest margin product in cloud, is not sustainable.
Getting started with @Prometheus workshop rolling onwards with a new lab for you to get hands-on with, Discovering Service Targets! #cloudnative #observability #o11y #workshop https://bit.ly/getting-started-with-prometheus-service-discovery
#cloudnative #observability #o11y #workshop