New status from the current 4th joint gravitational-wave observing run (O4):
⌛ Since the start of O4: 89 days
🔢 Number of significant signal candidates: 32
➡️ There is a new signal candidate every 2.8 days.
At the end of the planned O4 runtime (20 months), there could be >200 candidates.
Not all candidates will be confirmed as signals after further analyses. But these should detect more signals not found so far.
Der vierte Beobachtungslauf (O4) von @LIGO, Virgo und KAGRA läuft seit 76 Tagen und es gibt bereits 28 signifikante Signalkandidaten – alle 2,7 Tage ein neues mögliches Gravitationswellen-Signal.
Alle Kandidaten:
Für den Sonntagabend: „Was bringt die Zukunft der Gravitationswellenastronomie?“ #FasziAstroOnline-Vortrag von Ende 2021 von @benknispel:
#fasziastroonline #o4 #gravitationswellen #astronomie
Want to help in the search for gravitational waves without being a scientist yourself? No problem, just support our citizen science project @einsteinathome.
#o4 #citizenscience #gravitationalwaves
Ihr wollt bei der Suche nach Gravitationswellen helfen, ohne selbst Wissenschaftler:in zu sein? Gar kein Problem, einfach unser Citizen-Science-Projekt @einsteinathome unterstützen.
#o4 #citizenscience #gravitationswellen
Gravitational waves to look out for in the future: A gravitational-wave background of many, many faint individually unrecognisable signals or from more speculative sources (inflation,…):
New selected research highlight: Next generation waveform models for observing run O4 – Five papers about state-of-the-art, computationally efficient inspiral-merger-ringdown gravitational waveforms developed by @mpi_grav Potsdam researchers
#ThrowbackThursday to when we saw a signal like none before. What surprises will O4 bring?
#throwbackthursday #gravitationalwaves #waiting4o4 #o4
#ThrowbackThursday als wir ein Signal wie keines zuvor entdeckten. Welche Überraschungen wird es in O4 geben?
#throwbackthursday #gravitationalwaves #waiting4o4 #o4
Gravitational-wave detectors @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA start next observing run to explore the secrets of the Universe. During the last years @mpi_grav and Leibniz University Hannover researchers have prepared for this observing run O4.
For our #ExpertsWednesday learn more about the work of the @maxplanckpress independent research group “Binary Merger Observations and Numerical Relativity” @BinaryNr at @mpi_grav Hannover:
#expertswednesday #waiting4o4 #o4
How does the laser light in @LIGO become the data stream in which the gravitational-wave signals are found? LIGO Magazine, issue 19, to the rescue, explaining the LIGO Controls and Data System (CDS):
ℹ️ [pdf]
What will the future of astronomy with gravitational waves bring? One of the most exciting projects is LISA, a space-based low-frequency gravitational-wave observatory:
#multimediamonday #waiting4o4 #o4
Was bietet die Zukunft der Astronomie mit Gravitationswellen? Eines der spannendsten Projekte ist LISA, ein weltraumgestütztes Observatorium für tieffrequente Gravitationswellen:
#multimediamonday #waiting4o4 #o4
Zum Sonntagabend mal was Spannendes? Dann haben wir das Richtige für euch: „Gravitationswellen - ein neues Fenster ins Universum“ im Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Michele Heurs (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
#gravitationswellen #waiting4o4 #o4
What are continuous gravitational waves, where do they come from, and how do we search for them? The Einstein Online article by @benknispel offers an overview:
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Was sind kontinuierliche Gravitationswellen, woher kommen sie und wie suchen wir nach Ihnen? Einen ersten Überblick bietet der Einstein-Online-Artikel von @benknispel:
#saturdayreading #waiting4o4 #o4
Gravitational waves on your smartphone! Keep track of the latest gravitational-wave discovery candidates by @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA with the app “Chirp”. It's available for Android and iOS.
How can you learn in real-time about new gravitational-wave candidate signals discovered by @LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA during the fourth observing run O4? One possibility: the “Public Alerts” on the GraceDB webpage: