Authenticating open source cloud applications with LDAP (osc22)
It is very common for businesses with small teams to use cloud services to synchronise their work, stay in touch etc. All of these can also be achieved using open source software. However, making the #ccc #CloudandContainers #osc22 #3686 #2022
#ccc #cloudandcontainers #oSC22
ALP Community WG: Recommended ways to communicate with the community (osc22)
This talk focuses on effective communication with the openSUSE community.
Many workgroups have formed around the new Adaptable Linux Platform. However, not all of them are reporting the public yet. #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3902 #2022
Org mode: Manage your life in plain text (osc22)
Org mode is an extension to the Emacs text editor. The talk will introduce a trusted system to manage your daily life and keep track of all the stuff that matters to you.
The mein difference to othe #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3713 #2022
simpledrm - a kernel fbdev replacement (osc22)
simpledrm is a fbdev replacement implemented in the DRM kernel subsystem.
It allows for smoother handover from the early boot phase to when a "real" DRM driver is loaded.
In addition it allows for Way #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3908 #2022
Sourcery: a multi-architecture root file system that is mostly source (osc22)
Sourcery is a program that builds root file systems consisting mostly of Go
source code: of the 90,000 files in a typical sourcery root, there are
only 12 or so programs. Other programs are compiled #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3781 #2022
RAD, cybersecurity, medical grade regulatory compliance and open source go hand in hand! (osc22)
Business processes evolve continuously, customer expectations and requirements change even faster. Process management and workflow support systems have a tendency to grow organically into fearsomely c #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3776 #2022
openSUSE Board: Intro, Presentation & Discussion (osc22)
Meet the Board, ask questions, discuss topics, have fun
Meet the Board, ask questions, discuss topics, have fun
about this event: #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3673 #2022
Meeting with Jitsi: State of the Union (osc22)
In this talk Emil will go over some of Jitsi's History, what use cases and larger forces drive its development and where it is headed.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
In this talk Emil will g #ccc #Keynote #osc22 #3874 #2022
Meeting with Jitsi: State of the Union (osc22)
In this talk Emil will go over some of Jitsi's History, what use cases and larger forces drive its development and where it is headed.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
In this talk Emil will g #ccc #Keynote #osc22 #3874 #2022
A "Box" Full of Tools and Distros (osc22)
It's no news or secret that containers are good at providing multiple and different testing environments, or at offering a way of deploying apps and services that are completely decoupled from the hos #ccc #CloudandContainers #osc22 #3829 #2022
#ccc #cloudandcontainers #oSC22
A "Box" Full of Tools and Distros (osc22)
It's no news or secret that containers are good at providing multiple and different testing environments, or at offering a way of deploying apps and services that are completely decoupled from the hos #ccc #CloudandContainers #osc22 #3829 #2022
#ccc #cloudandcontainers #oSC22
Digital School ABC (osc22)
In this talk I'm gonna talk about how we use self hosted and open source solutions at school.
In this talk I'm gonna talk about how we use self hosted and open source solutions at school.
about thi #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3779 #2022
Digital School ABC (osc22)
In this talk I'm gonna talk about how we use self hosted and open source solutions at school.
In this talk I'm gonna talk about how we use self hosted and open source solutions at school.
about thi #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3779 #2022
Enhancing TensorFlow Security: Secure Software Development practices for developing a secure ML framework (osc22)
As the world moves to using machine learning more and more, a question arises of how to prevent cyber criminals from attacking systems using ML frameworks. In this talk, we will cover why machine lea #ccc #Keynote #osc22 #3796 #2022
Enhancing TensorFlow Security: Secure Software Development practices for developing a secure ML framework (osc22)
As the world moves to using machine learning more and more, a question arises of how to prevent cyber criminals from attacking systems using ML frameworks. In this talk, we will cover why machine lea #ccc #Keynote #osc22 #3796 #2022
openSUSE on Arm (osc22)
This talk is the annual review of openSUSE on Arm, mainly focused on AArch64, but it will also cover armv7 and armv6. At the end, we will have a quick look at the future and where the community could #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3758 #2022
openSUSE on Arm (osc22)
This talk is the annual review of openSUSE on Arm, mainly focused on AArch64, but it will also cover armv7 and armv6. At the end, we will have a quick look at the future and where the community could #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3758 #2022
D-Installer Project: Carving a Modern Installer (osc22)
D-Installer is the code-name of a experimental project for creating a new YAST-based installer designed to offer reusability, better integration with third-party tools and the possibility of building #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3805 #2022
D-Installer Project: Carving a Modern Installer (osc22)
D-Installer is the code-name of a experimental project for creating a new YAST-based installer designed to offer reusability, better integration with third-party tools and the possibility of building #ccc #openSUSE #osc22 #3805 #2022
The Art of the Linux Desktop (osc22)
Pretty much everything that has ever been designed is some form of balance between form and function, from modified car's to architecture to clothes and even user interfaces. In the modern age of mate #ccc #OpenSource #osc22 #3850 #2022