Scenes from B0ARDSIDE5, our art/music/zine launch event on Saturday. Photo #1: I'm presenting John Lindsey of The Great Highway Gallery with my illustration of him from the interview in B0ardside #5 (our scoop: the gallery's staying on outer Lawton St. after coming to terms with the landlord -- and expanding, opening a soup cafe next door). Photo 2: the B0ardside b0ard celebrates another successful event. In the center -- artist Anthony Grant, whose installation ORBITAL DEBRIS we'd been honored to present.
#art #artshow #sfart #sfartist #oaklandart #oaklandartist #thesunset #portrait #sf #sanfrancisco #sfba
#art #artshow #sfart #sfartist #oaklandart #oaklandartist #thesunset #portrait #sf #sanfrancisco #sfba
The B0ardside Collective announces its summer spectacular, B0ARDSIDE5 -- tomorrow, Saturday 6/17, 12-5 in San Francisco's Outer Sunset
• An exhibit of new art by the great @anthony.r.grant
• Live music by Neutrals, Madalyn Merkey and Shatter Pattern
• The release of B0ARDSIDE #5, our latest zine, packed with fiction, memoir, west side history, art, interviews and more
Just follow the positive energy waves to the bright red house on the corner of 43fd Ave. & Moraga.
Be there. Aloha.
#art #livemusic #sf #sanfrancisco #sfart #oaklandart #sfartist #Oaklandartist #sfba #artexhibit #artshow #artevent #happening #sfevent #sfevent #thesunset #zine #zines #zinerelease
#art #livemusic #sf #sanfrancisco #sfart #oaklandart #sfartist #oaklandartist #sfba #artexhibit #artshow #artevent #happening #sfevent #thesunset #zine #zines #zinerelease
A dragon’s egg I unearthed while digging for clams 🐲🐚
Study #370
Archival Pigment Print, 16x16
#bayareaartist #bayareaart #sfart #oaklandart #oaklandartist #finearts #ink #pigment #patternsinnature #biologicalart #scienceart #sciart #experimentalartist #biomorphicart #experimentalart #experimentalphotography #organicforms #artandscience #abstractphotography #biomorphic
#biomorphic #abstractphotography #artandscience #OrganicForms #experimentalphotography #experimentalart #biomorphicart #ExperimentalArtist #sciart #scienceart #biologicalart #patternsinnature #pigment #ink #finearts #oaklandartist #oaklandart #sfart #bayareaart #bayareaartist