"The government has introduced new legislation over the movement of oak trees in south-east England due to a rise in the numbers of a toxic, invasive moth species."
#moths #oaktrees #Trees #unitedkingdom #UK
You dont see many young oaks. Deer eat oak seedlings, oak groves have a hard time regenerating. One easy way to protect oak seedlings is to use a small loop of fence around them, until they're about three feet tall. Three feet tall is the magic height where a little pruning by deer doesn't hurt them. I use a single stake to hold the fence up.
Teenage black oak about 15 yrs old, a little fence for a few years and theres a healthy young tree. Another technique is to place a small brush pile over seedlings. A forester visited my land and remarked on the unusual amount of young oaks, he said he doesn't see oak grove regeneration often.
#oaktrees #oakregeneration #practicalstewardship
You dont see many young oaks. Deer eat oak seedlings, and oak groves have a hard time regenerating. One easy effective way to protect oak seedlings is to use a small loop of fence around them, until they're about three feet tall. Three feet tall is the magic height where a little pruning by deer doesn't hurt them. I use a single stake to hold the fence up.
The oak pictured is a teenager, about 15 yrs old, just a little fence for a few years and there's a healthy young tree. Another technique i use is to place a small brush pile over seedlings. A forester visited my land and remarked on the unusual amount of young oaks, he said he doesn't see oak grove regeneration often.
#oaktrees #oakforests #forestregenerationtechniques #simpleforeststewardship
I live in an “oak Savannah” environment. It’s not super common in the LA basin. These oak habitats once dominated CAs inland valleys, but development has removed a lot of native trees. The oaks HERE in my neighborhood are 🌳THRIVING🌳 from all the rain. Some have 4” of new growth from 👉 just this season. Thank you rain! But, with all that new growth comes…pollen. OMG. Halp! 😭
#oaktrees #Oakland #trees #pollen #Nature #California #sanfernandovalley #spring #green #Allergies
#oaktrees #Oakland #trees #pollen #Nature #California #sanfernandovalley #spring #green #allergies
I used to live in Hobbit Land (what I called it). This was the scene behind my little house on top of a mountain. I lived here 12 years and loved it. I would go for a walk here when I couldn’t sleep at 2am. Never a flashlight.
#TheHobbit #nostalgia #oaktrees
#thehobbit #nostalgia #oaktrees
#Mosstodon #OakTrees #WiltshireWalks A beautiful young oak tree on a favourite local walk. Oak trees only produce acorns after 40 years and this one has had acorns for a couple of years now. 😍🌳
#Mosstodon #oaktrees #wiltshirewalks
A foggy morning with my favorite oak in the hammock. #naturephotography #oaktrees #floridapark #Nature
#naturephotography #oaktrees #floridapark #Nature
A once mighty oak tree, gnarled and withered,
Stood tall in the meadow, its branches quivered.
A large hole in the top, a home for some birds,
Clues in white droppings, revelations from turds.
This tree's seen the sun, and the rain, and the snow,
It's seen the wind, and the birds, and the humans go.
It's seen all the seasons, the years, and the days,
It's seen all the light, and the dark, and the deep, and the haze.
#poem #poetry #nature #tree #trees #OakTree #oaktrees
“ 52. Up a tree 2 – 52Frames redo ”
The first time I did the Shoot from Below challenge I only had my cell phone and I commented that I should redo it when the sky had more color and I had my "real" camera...so the Re-do challenge had me revisiting the Logan Oak. #upatree #bigtreesohio #oaktrees #shootfrombelo
#2022 #HockingHills #Up-A-Tree #bark #bigtrees #oaktree #Ohio #oldtrees #Prints #shootfrombelow #upatree #wintertrees
#upatree #bigtreesohio #oaktrees #shootfrombelo #hockinghills #up #bark #bigtrees #oaktree #ohio #oldtrees #prints #shootfrombelow #wintertrees
Cloud Optimized Point Clouds [podcast]
H/T Daniel O'Donohue | @MapScaping
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #COPC #STAC #PDAL #cloud #pointcloud #cloudstorage #CloudOptimized #3D #3DPointCloud #bigdata #delivery #storage #index #indexes #OakTrees #cube #tiling #searching #podcast #data #clouds
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #copc #stac #pdal #cloud #pointcloud #cloudstorage #cloudoptimized #3d #3dpointcloud #bigdata #delivery #storage #index #indexes #oaktrees #cube #tiling #searching #podcast #data #clouds
At the start of the story
(Pic:Buckden Cambs)
#oakTrees #treesOfMastodon #oakForest #storytelling #storyteller
#oaktrees #treesofmastodon #oakForest #storytelling #storyteller
Today in #WalkingInTheWoods . . .
Made it to this small #VernalPool
Sat for a while taking it in - oak leaves as big as my head
#walkinginthewoods #vernalpool #mianusriver #easternwoodlands #oaktrees
From last fall in Mohawk Park. The photo was taken in color but processed to black and white, with a filter to mimic a #25 red filter. The trees are oak, with Red Oak on the right and (I think) a Burr Oak on the left - a panorama of three 200mm shots. Fall colors this year have been muted due to exceptional drought in the area. I grew up in the film era, using mostly Black and White film (Tri-X) with gelatin filters for enhancement. #BlackandWhite #FilterEffect #FallColors #OakTrees
#blackandwhite #filtereffect #fallcolors #oaktrees
Drawn a few days ago, before the relentless rain came to #Norfolk, and am longing to get out again.
I sat amongst the leaves, on a flat camping seat, but had to shift along when I realised wood ants were milling about my rucksack and then up venturing up my trousers...
#worthamling #drawingoutdoors #drawingmatters #drawingtreesmakesmehappy #unisonpastels #natureforsoul #oaktrees #intothewoods #woodlanddrawing #suffolkwildlifetrust #sketchbooksanctuary #enpleinairdrawing
#norfolk #sketchbookdrawing #worthamling #drawingoutdoors #drawingmatters #drawingtreesmakesmehappy #unisonpastels #natureforsoul #oaktrees #intothewoods #woodlanddrawing #suffolkwildlifetrust #sketchbooksanctuary #enpleinairdrawing
Our friend’s bit of land in Sussex is quite magical, even with high-voltage power lines strung over it. Her website: https://genesisagenda.co.uk/genesis_agenda/about/ #Sussex #ecology #genesisagenda #oaktrees #England
#england #oaktrees #genesisagenda #ecology #sussex