Nonilex · @Nonilex
928 followers · 3368 posts · Server

Excellent reporting by @HeidiReports it continues & gets even crazier w/millions going to ; characters such as , & more submit amicus briefs & attempt to influence ; a clerk & assoc briefs SCOTUS on the anti- anti- case; the 2016 election; groomed judges , & get appointed.
Recommended read.

#ginnithomas #johneastman #cletamitchell #scotus #carrieseverino #clarencethomas #leonardleo #jep #abortion #obamacare #hobbylobby #trump #federalistsociety #amyconeybarrett #brettkavanaugh #neilgorsuch

Last updated 1 year ago

Nonilex · @Nonilex
927 followers · 3358 posts · Server

A key aide, Sarah Field, would come aboard to help manage the group, which they called .

After Liberty Central went public, it provoked an outcry over a justice’s wife promoting causes like overturning that were before her husband’s court. Leo & Thomas changed gears. His network reactivated a dormant group, the , which would go on to become a major supplier of before the nation’s highest court.

#leonardleo #ginnithomas #libertycentral #scotus #obamacare #judicialeducationproject #amicusbriefs

Last updated 1 year ago


-------- Forwarded Message --------


* The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the urgent need for expansion ,
NOT REDUCTION, of the Medicaid health insurance program.
*  In too many states, political decisions by state legislators to
deny health insurance to thousands of their citizens has resulted in
an almost non-existent social and health safety net.

*  Decisions in 2016/2017 by 25 states to reject the expansion of
Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act resulted in an
estimated 7,115 and 17,104 more deaths than had all states opted in,
according to researchers at Harvard Medical School and the City
University of New York.
* The researchers found that because of the states’ “opting out” of
the Medicaid expansion, 7.78 million people who would have gained
coverage remained uninsured.
* To worsen the situation, many states have over the last decade
privatized administration of their Medicaid program into a managed
care program administered by the private profit health insurance

* The companies are paid by state government, and their profit depends
on spending as little as possible on Medicaid patients.
*  It’s hard to imagine any greater disconnect between public good
and private profit: the interest of private health insurance
companies lies not in the obvious social good of delivering quality
health care to patients but in having as few as possible treated as
cheaply as possible.
* No better example exists of a private capitalist enterprise that
feeds on the misery of man.

* You might think that we learned the lesson of discredited managed
care in the 1990s.
*  The term “managed care” is confusing to many, but really amounts
to managed reimbursement rather than managed care.
* A set prospective annual payment is made by federal/state
governments, as in the case of state Medicaid managed care, to cover
whatever services patients will receive over the coming year.
* There is therefore a built-in incentive for managed care
organizations to skimp on care and pocket more profits.

              Doug Stephenson. LCSW, BCD
              Gainesville, Florida

* ______________________________________________________________________________

* LINK: Rolling Medicaid Purge Called 'Largest Concentration of Health
Insurance Loss' in US History

NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot

#health #healthcare #medicare #medicareadvantage #medicaid #healthsafetynet #managedcare #aca #affordablecareact #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

BSM (sw.s) 🇨🇭 · @bsm
501 followers · 905 posts · Server

Und daneben diskutiert man noch tatsächlich über die Abschaffung des Krankenkassen-Obligatoriums🤦🏼‍♂️.

Dann müssen sich aber alle daran gewöhnen bzw. daran halten, dass nicht Versicherte einfach liegen gelassen bzw. nicht behandelt werden… oder jede Behandlung zuerst vorausbezahlt werden muss, bevor man/frau behandelt wird.

Die lassen grüssen… (wobei mindestens eine kleine Grunddeckung bietet.)

#USA #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
615 followers · 44767 posts · Server
Darnell Clayton :verified: · @darnell
3680 followers · 6110 posts · Server

@Hein_Kortoons were not angels as they were involved in a few controversial scenarios.

👉🏾 & mismanaged aid to 🇭🇹:

👉🏾 tragedy in 🇱🇾 (it was not a conspiracy but it could have been avoided):

👉🏾 temporarily increasing costs in 🇺🇸:

Worse than the ‽ No.

#democrats #hillaryclinton #haiti #benghazi #libya #obamacare #healthcare #unitedstates #gop

Last updated 1 year ago

casey is remote · @realcaseyrollins
356 followers · 17574 posts · Server

@mer @Rasp No, not really, because the logic chain is based off something that isn't accurate:

> [they need] continuous population growth and signup to remain profitable
> because this is is not achievable

It's actually really achievable, especially if you mandate that everyone have healthcare like did with .

#obama #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

· @doboprobodyne
28 followers · 607 posts · Server

1/3: A message I wrote to a friend re. healthcare spending of nations, which they had observed to be increasing:

I'm of the (uneducated) opinion that as countries/peoples become more wealthy in peace-time, once they percieve their needs as met, they end up spending that wealth on healthcare. A great tragedy from our perspective is that the best healthcare spending is preventative, but the wildest healthcare spending I observe through anecdote in other countries is curative; notoriously seen in futile end-of-life care in America.

The most obvious homologue - of a nation spending a hoofing amount of it's wealth in a given industry - seems to me the "military-industrial complex". It's a slightly clumsy term for our purpose, but here the military is a function of the government which in turn is a function of the country/peoples. So I think of it as a nation spending a hoofing amount of it's money on funding the industries that manufacture and deliver "warheads on foreheads", so to speak.

The best summary of this was provided by Eisenhower. I paste here words from

> More than a week after Stalin’s death, Eisenhower was talking with speechwriter Emmet Hughes about the address. “Look, I am tired—and I think everyone is tired—of just plain indictments of the Soviet regime,” Ike said. “I think it would be wrong—in fact, asinine—for me to get up before the world now to make another one of those indictments. Instead, just one thing matters. What have we got to offer the world?”

#hospitals #socialcare #elderlycare #physiotherapy #midwifery #nursing #medicine #bigpharma #publichealth #finance #healthinsurance #medicare #obamacare #nhs #economics #healthcare

Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
652 followers · 12955 posts · Server

"A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in , New Jersey."

Uh huh. 🙄
Right after presenting your "plan", right donny?
And your plan to replace too, right?
: on Monday will result in ‘complete ’ in

#iamdb #Georgia #Exoneration #report #Trump #obamacare #infrastructure #bedminster #newsconference #fraud #Election #presidential

Last updated 1 year ago

datenritter :debian: · @datenritter
111 followers · 755 posts · Server

@psychictides No, they didn't. Trump didn't do ANYthing better. He wanted to let people die. @erictopol


Last updated 1 year ago

OddOpinions5 · @failedLyndonLaRouchite
293 followers · 3707 posts · Server

For those of you old enough to recall the debate over aka aka

here are two golden oldies to make you chuckle

and your daily reminder that for his entire life, TFG lies and lies and lies

#ppaca #aca #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

Mo Edray · @Moedray
459 followers · 1584 posts · Server

Just another reason to always

NEVER had a plan for universal healthcare; they just hated the fact that it was referred to as giving the “black guy” credit

Remember, the last AND ONLY time republicans cared about you, you were a fetus

#VoteBlue #Republicans #obamacare

Last updated 1 year ago

joe•iuculano :mastodon: · @iuculano
608 followers · 17066 posts · Server

, & issued proposed rules on Friday that clamp down on short-term limited duration plans, which offer cheap but sparse coverage that deride as “ .” The rule, meant to protect & bolster the exchange, would overturn a 2018 -era regulation & satisfies lawmakers & patient groups who have demanded the administration act since its first days in the .

#hhs #treasurydepartment #departmentoflabor #health #democrats #junkinsurance #consumers #obamacare #trump #liberal #whitehouse

Last updated 1 year ago

Medical staff desperately needed. Please apply within. Thanks, Signed, USA! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

#doctors #nurses #medical #profession #shortage #Lack #hospital #USA #obamacare #Medicare #coverage #covid

Last updated 1 year ago

Wonkette Headline Bot · @wonkette_bot
878 followers · 1788 posts · Server
Nuncio Bitis 🏳️‍🌈 · @nuncio
462 followers · 2673 posts · Server
Martin Nutty · @mnutty
923 followers · 1462 posts · Server

Can a win the governor’s race in one of America’s reddest states?

Will a focus on ’s regressive grocery tax, refusal to adopt and the scandal surrounding current governor create a space for to overcome traditional political divides in the state?

#democrat #mississippi #gop #obamacare #republican #tatereeves #brandonpresley #deepsouth #uspolitics #politics #election2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Martin Nutty · @mnutty
923 followers · 1462 posts · Server

Can a win the governor’s race in one of America’s reddest states?

Will a focus on ’s regressive grocery tax, refusal to adopt and the scandal surrounding current governor create a space for to overcome traditional political divides in the state?

#democrat #mississippi #gop #obamacare #republican #tatestevens #brandonpresley #deepsouth #uspolitics #politics #election2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Manqueman · @Manqueman
19 followers · 3106 posts · Server

Only mistake here,, is that these private entity death panels have been going on for years, even before .


Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Gardner ‍:sdf: · @mjgardner
591 followers · 3236 posts · Server

@rebeccawatson I was with you except for “…we live in a time when has made our system a dystopian nightmare.”

Because you went into very good detail about the onerous limits on production and the secret limits on pharmacy dispensation. And the American health insurance market is already warped by , , and most recently the / .

The US healthcare system is like homeopathy is “medicine.”

#capitalism #healthcare #dea #adderall #medicare #medicaid #affordablecareact #obamacare #capitalist

Last updated 2 years ago